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First Aid Kit for College Students: The Complete Guide

First Aid Kit for College Students: The Complete Guide

You’ve probably seen a first aid kit in your parents’ car, a public institution, or a movie. Surprisingly, very few people know much about its contents, apart from Band-Aids. experts are here to tell you that in stressful situations, you need to know how to use that first aid...

Soft Skills for Success: Identifying, Developing, & Selling

Soft Skills for Success: Identifying, Developing, & Selling

In 1918, the Carnegie Foundation published A Study of Engineering Education. This research found that only 15% of job-related achievements depend on a person’s knowledge and technical skills. As much as 85% of success in the workplace is due to soft skills. The irony of these numbers is that they...

Best Free Online Courses: Harvard, Stanford, & Other Top Colleges

Best Free Online Courses: Harvard, Stanford, & Other Top Colleges

It’s estimated that most college graduates have over $37,000 in loans. And instead of spending money on traveling, these poor young professionals have to pay it back. It seems that education is worth a fortune. This might seem crazy, but many well-known universities offer free online courses.Take a look at...

Recent College Graduate Jobs in 2024: Employment Statistics

Recent College Graduate Jobs in 2024: Employment Statistics

If you are a current or soon-to-be graduate, you may be feeling uneasy about finding a job. This is the fear most commonly felt by students throughout their entire study process. The current economic conditions make this fear even stronger.

Top 10 Easiest and Hardest College Majors in the Country

Top 10 Easiest and Hardest College Majors in the Country

CChoosing majors in college is a challenge for any student. If you’re reading this, we’re guessing you understand the seriousness and consequences of this decision. Custom-writing experts have compiled the following list of top 10 easiest and hardest college majors throughout the country. Check out our list of college degrees...

Most Strict Colleges & Weirdest College Rules

Most Strict Colleges & Weirdest College Rules

Do you think 8 a.m. classes are the worst college rule educators could think of? Then keep reading this article by Custom Writing experts! Check the weirdest rules of the strictest colleges in the US & around the globe. As you’ll see, a university doesn’t have to be super religious...

Apartment vs. Dorm Living – Compare & Contrast

Apartment vs. Dorm Living – Compare & Contrast

One of the biggest decisions students make when attending college, university, or graduate school is whether to live off-campus in an apartment or whether to live in a dorm room. For those who have the option, though, there are many considerations that can help determine whether apartment living or dorm...