417 Business Topics & Research Titles about Business

The corporate world is the world of the future – there’s no doubt about that. And education in ABM will help you conquer it!

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What is ABM strand, exactly?

ABM stands for Accountancy, Business, and Management. Future leaders and entrepreneurs pursue education in this field to learn the skills essential for their careers. They study how to run a business. How to talk to clients. And, of course, how to come up with strategies to earn money.

Looking for exciting business topics to write about in a paper or dissertation? Here you’ll find a list of research titles about business, as well as ABM qualitative and quantitative research ideas collected by Custom-writing.org experts. We hope that these business and management research topics will inspire you for your own project or for a heated discussion.

The key part of acquiring any education is writing a research paper. Why do it? First, it’s a test of a student’s analytical, writing, and research skills. Second, being able to conduct business research is paramount to its success.

  • It helps you communicate with customers.
  • It helps you scan the marketplace for threats and opportunities.
  • It helps you understand how to minimize risks.
  • It helps you plan your investments effectively.
  • It helps you keep your hand on the pulse of the current trends in the market.

The obtained skills will guide you through the entirety of your professional career. It’s an experience that can’t be skipped. We’ve hand-picked 417 research topics related to the ABM strand, just for you. Here, you will find the best ideas for your future ABM research paper masterpiece.

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❣️ Choosing an ABM Qualitative or Quantitative Research Topic

The first step in writing an ABM research paper is choosing a topic. With the abundance of ABM research topics ideas on the Internet, it’s not an easy task. Simply picking one won’t do the trick. You will need to juggle relevance, applicability, and your own personal interest in the subject.

There are two main types of AMB research methods: qualitative and quantitative.

  • Qualitative research answers the why and the how questions. It tests customers’ reaction to new products and studies consumer behaviors. Case studies, interviews, and focus groups are the common methods of collecting such data.
  • Quantitative research collects numerical data and analyzes stats. The common methods include various surveys in target groups.

What ABM fields to explore are out there?

  • Financial accounting (aka accountancy) is creating financial statements to be distributed within and outside of a company.
  • Management accounting is creating operational reports to be distributed only within a company.
  • Banking and finance are all about financial services provided to customers, and the laws of investment.
  • Business administration is supervising and overseeing various business operations.
  • Marketing is all about the promotion of buying and selling services and products.
  • Entrepreneurship is all about the process of coming up with, starting and managing a new business.
  • Human resource development management is all about reaching the top potential of the employees.
  • Hospitality management is overseeing and supervising various administrative tasks of a resort or hotel.
  • Tourism is all about attracting, housing, and entertaining tourists, and organizing tours for them.
ABM Research Fields.

Getting lost in this embarrassment of riches? Let’s single out the five of the trendiest areas of ABM research. They are: business, marketing, accounting, project management, and human resources. Want to see more examples of research titles about ABM strand? More on them down below!

👔 Business Topics to Write about

Decided to go with a business-related topic for your ABM research paper?

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We have you covered!

Here are some of the freshest ideas for a relevant business research paper. Enjoy our selection of business research topics and research titles for ABM students. Choose one and prove that your finger is on the pulse of the modern market world!

  1. Is poverty a concern of a corporation? How can corporations contribute to social development? Should they concern themselves with it in the first place, and to what degree? How can corporate social responsibility result in the betterment of the market? How can a corporation’s perceived awareness produce a positive image for the customers?
  2. Labor relations: the latest tendencies and the predictions for the future. Analyze the contemporary trends in the labor-corporate relationship. What issues are likely to emerge in 2025-2030? Back up your conclusion with real-life examples.
  3. Diversity as a contemporary working reality. Due to globalization, people of various backgrounds tend to work together, more and more so. Does it influence the working process at all? Does the difference between genders, ages, and ethnicities hinder or facilitate business? Should the companies ensure that there’s diversity among their employees, and why? How should the work environments be organized to maximize efficiency?
  4. Personal networking: labor-corporate communication tool. How does the number of people you know correlate with the chances of finding the best partners, workers, and customers? Is it an exponential or a sine curve? Produce real-life examples.
  5. E-business: the world-wide globalization process. Some of the most successful modern businesses operate almost exclusively online. What are the examples? Assess the role of integration in their workflow. What are the overall perspectives of SCM (supply-chain management) in the realities of e-business?
  6. Leadership and business in the modern world. Is there a significant difference in the styles and strategies implemented by the leaders in the 21 century as compared to the earlier eras? How do modern leaders adjust to contemporary business realia? What are the challenges and opportunities? What are the global trends? Produce real-life examples.
  7. Copyright law: is it on the side of the artist or the company representing them? How has copyright law evolved through the times? What drove it so? To what extent does it protect modern artists? How can a copyright corporation exploit it, and to what degree? Produce real-life examples. Are there any court precedents?
  8. Advertisement and consumer behavior. What types of advertisements prove to be the most effective? Back up your data with research results. What are the latest trends in the world of advertisement? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online and offline advertising? What mistakes can be made by a brand that is trying to produce a positive image through advertisement?
  9. Apple: how to turn your brand into a religion. What are the factors behind the success of the Apple corporation? Is it just clever advertising, or is there something more to that? How does Apple build a following of brand loyalists? Does Apple face any difficulties in the realities of the modern harsh brand competition? What are your predictions for the nearest future of Apple corporation?
  10. Word of mouth: a fossil or a gem? Who usually relies on this form of advertisement the most? How can an already well-established corporation benefit from it? How does word of mouth differ from other types of advertisement? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Produce real-life examples of a brand’s or organization’s success due to word of mouth.
  11. Facebook and business. How can Facebook be used as a modern platform for conducting business? Does it have any advantages as compared to other online platforms? What are the disadvantages? What successful companies use Facebook as a business platform?
Social media mobile.
  1. Pay for performance: a source of loyalty or displeasure? What’s the best strategy for an employer to link pay and performance? Should pay increases be dependent on just the performance of an employee, or should other factors also be considered? Back up your reasoning with research results.
  2. Local customization vs. global standardization. What are the pros and cons of each of the approaches? What companies are known to implement both strategies successfully? Give examples.
  3. External recruiting vs. Internal promotions. What are the pros and cons of each of the approaches? How can a company implement both strategies successfully? Which is a more cost-effective approach? Why is it impossible to stick to just one of the strategies?
  4. Does a multinational corporation have a motherland? Is it obligatory for a multinational corporation to have a strong presence in its home country? What are the economic benefits or downsides of it? Produce real-life examples.
  5. Management by walking around (MBWA). What is the reasoning behind it, and how is it implemented? Is it a boost for productivity or a stress for employees? Who needs it more – the employees or the manager? Is it effective? Illustrate your point with research results.
  6. The AIDA formula in advertising. What exactly is the AIDA formula? Why is it popular nowadays, and how does it compare to the other formulas for creating advertisements? Is it the key to a successful message broadcasting or a hindrance to creativity?
  7. Free market: an achievable goal or a utopia? What exactly is the concept of a free market? What are the advantages of such a system? What are the disadvantages? Are there any real-life examples, and what can be learned from them?
  8. Family business: pros and cons. Are there any modern examples of a successful family business? What might be the downsides of such a business model? What are the advantages? What can be learned from the examples of exercising interpersonal relations in business?
  9. Franchises vs. “from scratch” businesses. Why having a franchise is a go-to option for a lot of corporations? What benefits does it produce? Are there any downsides? Which business model is easier to maintain? Which business model is more cost-effective?
  10. Marijuana business in the US: state law vs. federal law. What is the current stand of federal law on the issue? What about state law? What is your prediction for the marijuana-based businesses for the nearest future?
  11. Governments vs. private businesses. How does the government manage private businesses in your country? What is the best strategy for a government-private business relationship? How does this relationship reflect on the economy of the country?
  12. The Internet and consumer behavior. How does the Internet shape consumer behavior in modern days? Are there any drastic changes in consumer behavior as compared to ten years ago? Is the Internet just a new platform for advertising, or is there more to that? Produce real-life examples.
  13. The culture of consumerism. What exactly is this phenomenon? Is it really a thing or just a popular penny dreadful? Is it a natural occurrence or an artificial design created by the major companies for increasing profit? What proofs of the latter can be produced?
  14. The best countries to invest into in 2020. How can a country be invested into? Why would some corporations choose to do it? What are the criteria? Is it cost-effective? What are the real-life examples?

Here are some more business research topics to explore:

  1. Outsourcing: its advantages and disadvantages for a business. Is it ethical?
  2. Authors and copyright: which works better, legal names or nom de plumes?
  3. Negotiation tactics: understanding authority.
  4. Corruption cases: do state officials have a higher chance of succeeding with a request for dismissal?
  5. Insider trading: how the nature of the offence and the punishment for it has changed through the decades.
  6. Alcohol: the advantages of the sale and consumption laws for the society’s well-being.
  7. Death penalty: should it apply for the most severe corporate crimes?
  8. The correlation between wages and employee productivity.
  9. The correlation between strategic management and employee productivity.
  10. The impact of staff motivation on employee productivity.
  11. Sales letter vs. waste bin: how to avoid spam folder?
  12. Teenagers vs. business: the phenomenon of teenage business.
  13. Small business: the basis of economics.
  14. Third-world countries: how is business done there?
  15. Taxes: types and uses.
  16. Business ethics: is there a difference from general ethics? What are the laws?
  17. What are the cultural differences of doing business in different countries?
  18. The target audience: how to define it and how to attract it?
  19. Monopolies: how do they impact the market?
  20. Business dynasties: how does family business operate?
  21. Copyright law: how does it operate?
  22. Services: what are the most and least popular in the market?
  23. Charity: is it a good advertisement strategy for a business?
  24. How to balance ecology and increasing production.
  25. Corporate culture: what company rituals are common in business?
  26. Negotiation and diplomacy in business.
  27. A healthy working environment and its importance in business
  28. Brands: what’s their place in the modern market?
  29. Military crisis: a hindrance or a boost for business?
  30. Small enterprises: what are the challenges?
  31. Internet advertisement: is it overtaking the world of advertising?
Richard Branson quote.
  1. The psychology behind people’s decision to buy a more expensive product or a higher quantity of it.
  2. Feminism: how does it influence the way women consume?
  3. Teenagers and brands: what brands are the most popular among modern teenagers?
  4. Mandatory recycling: how would it affect the prices? Would it be cost-effective in the long term?
  5. Advertising in schools: is it acceptable?
  6. Social media: what marketing strategies are used there? Does it influence offline advertisement?
  7. Employee stress: does every company need to offer services of a psychologist?
  8. Sports and art: do corporate extracurricular classes enhance employees’ creativity and result in a healthy work environment?
  9. Eco-friendliness: how can more eco-friendly policies be encouraged in companies and businesses?
  10. Personal guns: does the successful handgun production industry depend on their free distribution?
  11. Minimum wage: should it be canceled? Why?
  12. Commerce and retail: what is the future? Will shopping activity move completely to the Internet?
  13. Internet advertising: is it more effective than other types of advertisement?
  14. Tobacco production: should higher taxes apply to the tobacco companies? Should they be obliged to donate to cancer treatment centers?
  15. Alcohol production: should higher taxes apply to alcohol companies? Should they be obliged to donate to alcohol treatment centers?
  16. Business ethics: how does it influence important decisions made by a company?
  17. Ethics and morality in a business-oriented world.
  18. A museum exhibition: how can it be made marketable?
  19. Mobile phones: what has facilitated their high sales rates in recent years?
  20. International human resources: what are the major challenges and pitfalls?
  21. Corporate rituals: what are the oldest and most rigid ones that are still practiced in companies?
  22. Brainstorming: how effective is it in producing ideas and business solutions?
  23. Healthy work environment: what does it look like, and how can it be created?
  24. Financial crisis: how does it affect business in the US and worldwide?
  25. Famous brands: what are the associated advantages of owning a product of a recognizable and respectable brand? Why are consumers
    often willing to pay for it more than for a less well-known alternative?
  26. Image: how does it affect the modern business culture and consumer behavior?
  27. Gender: does it influence the ability to manage small and large teams?
  28. Hiring youth: why certain niche companies prefer to employ young people? What are the examples?
  29. Differences in ethnic cultures: how do they influence team-building?
  30. Differences in ages: do they create difficulties in departmental cross-functional cooperation?
  31. Gender: why certain companies prefer to employ more women than men and vice versa? Are efficiency stereotypes empirically and numerically confirmed?
  32. Fitness franchises: why are they more and more popular?
  33. Franchise models: what types are out there? Which would you choose for a coffee house? Other examples are welcome.
  34. Franchise promotion: is it the responsibility of the franchisee or of the franchise holder?
  35. Franchise agreement: which items should be included to save from excessive spending with no reward?
  36. What factors must be considered when choosing the market for business expansion?
  37. Globalization and consumer behavior: how does one affect the other?
  38. Chinese market: how does it benefit from globalization?
  39. Globalization: will it continue to spread, or will it cease to decrease?
  40. Business clusters: how do they move globalization?
  41. Bank mergers: a wise strategy or a result of failure? When should a bank consider this move?
  42. Bankruptcy: what are the most common reasons for it? Does it necessarily spell the end for a business?
  43. Big-box stores: how to ensure the success of a big-box retailer?
  44. Brand awareness: how to make people remember and recognize your brand?
  45. Competitive intelligence: what are the best ways to gather and analyze information about the business environment?
  46. Consumer loyalty: how to make a consumer develop a behavioral tendency of favoring one brand’s products over the other?
  47. Consumer risk management: what are the best ways to minimize the potential risk of a product not meeting quality standards entering the marketplace? How to make it cost-effective?
  48. Copycat products: why do they enter the market so easily, and what are the ways for a brand to fight for its copyright?
  49. Corporate crime: how is it best for a company to redeem its reputation after being compromised?
  50. Corporate social responsibility: how does this business model help make a company be socially accountable?
  51. Customer competencies: how to enable your customers to learn and engage in an active dialogue?
  52. Data security: how to protect data from unauthorized access and data corruption?
  53. Downtown revitalization: how can it be beneficial for a business?
  54. Employee coaching: how is it different from managing? How is it best to organize employee coaching in a big / small company?
  55. The “Do no harm” ethical principle in business.
  56. Green products: are they good for a business? How can a company use less packaging, and reduce the amount of disposed toxics?
  57. Industry disruptor: what is a disruptive innovation in business?
  58. Intellectual capital: what are the components and what is the best way to unlock their potential?
  59. Job sculpting: what is the best way to match a person to a job that unlocks their potential to the fullest degree?
  60. Marketing ethics: what are the moral principles behind the regulation and operation of marketing in your country?
  61. Mergers: what are the types, and why do businesses do it?
  62. Organigraphs: how to graphically represent a company’s structure and processes? How are organigraphs different from a traditional organizational chart?
  63. Philanthropy: what are the competitive advantages of corporate philanthropy?
  64. Quality circles: how does it influence business positively?
  65. Regional planning: how to place infrastructure across a large area of land efficiently?
  66. Customer service initiatives: how to learn what your customers dislike, tolerate, and actively appreciate?
  67. Shared services model: why are they cost-efficient?
  68. Short-term financing: in what types of businesses does it apply best?
  69. Starbucks Effect: how does a Starbucks store affect home and property values?
  70. Strategic planning: how to establish the direction of a small business?
  71. Labour strikes: what causes them? What are the consequences for a business in particular and for the economy in general?
  72. Subliminal advertising: how do they work?
  73. Telemarketing: a thing from the past or a relevant method of advertising?
  74. Underage workers: how does employment of minors work?
  75. Underwriting: who provides underwriting services and who receives them?
  76. Undocumented workers: do they have rights, and what are the risks?
  77. Unions: what is their stand in your country?
  78. Work ethic: what kind of belief system is that? Does it have any downsides?
  79. Work-life balance: what are the ways of encouraging and maintaining it?
  80. Stakeholders: what is their impact on the success of a business?
  81. Global unemployment: why is it a worldwide phenomenon? What are the solutions to the problem?
  82. International investment: why is it important to educate the public on its benefits?
  83. International competition: what are the strategic measures of survival for local companies?
  84. Job creation: how can big and small businesses create jobs?
  85. Businesses and oceans: why is it crucial to institute and implement environmentally-friendly approaches?
  86. Ethical conflicts: how to avoid cultural, religious, and political arguments at work?
  87. Organizational environmental pollution: how does it affect consumer trust levels?
  88. Business negotiation: what are the styles of intercultural dialogue?
  89. Excessive work: what are the consequences of overworking?

💸 Business Topics on Marketing

Marketing is one of the most prominent entities that govern our world. It’s the cornerstone of business, serving to identify and satisfy customers’ wants and needs. Without marketing, there is no business!

Here are some of the most relevant marketing research paper topics and ideas. Choose one, and you are bound to impress your professor!

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  1. Coronavirus: a case study. How has COVID-19 affected consumer behavior worldwide? What about your own country? Are there any glaring examples of inadequate consumer behavior? What are the reasons behind them? How do different businesses deal with the consequences of quarantine? Produce examples of marketing centered around Coronavirus.
  2. Zoom: a case study. How did Zoom manage to become a go-to platform during the Coronavirus outbreak? Was it the brand’s clever marketing, or did something else influence the consumer choice? How did Zoom manage to outperform the dozens of rival video conferencing services? What are the numbers? Make your predictions on whether the company will be able to sustain its success after quarantine is over.
  3. Gillette #MeToo commercial: a case study. How did the brand express its political stand on a pressing social subject? Did the campaign ultimately succeed in its goal? Did the backlash harm Gillette’s reputation, or was it a sign of successful branding? How did it ultimately reflect on sales? What can be learned from the data?
  4. Xbox Series X: a case study. The Xbox Series X is the successor of the popular Xbox One home video game console. It is scheduled for release in late 2020. How is it advertised? How does its marketing campaign impact user behavior? Is it a fast process? Analyze the concept and the marketing campaign of the product.
  5. Colin Kaepernick in a Nike commercial: a case study. How did the brand use an existing political situation to its advantage? Did the campaign ultimately succeed in its goal, or did it merely taint Nike’s reputation? Was it marketing genius or brand failure? What do the numbers say? What can be learned from the data?
  6. Brexit and consumer behavior. How has Brexit affected consumer buying behavior in the UK? What about the EU? How did it impact currency exchange rate? What businesses benefited from it? What can be learned from the data?
  7. Same product, different branding: a comparison. Two companies are selling the same product – only branding and packaging are different. What influences customers’ choice? Is the price relevant in this equation? What can be learned from the data?
  8. Addictive consumer behavior. What brands are known to inspire addictive consumer behavior? What marketing tools do they employ? Are there any downsides for a business? Should companies be held liable for maniacal consumer behavior?
  9. Corporate social responsibility as a brand marketing tool. How effective is it? Produce examples of brands whose sales increased after a charity or awareness campaign. What can be learned from the data? What are the pitfalls of the CPR approach?
  10. The ROI in athletics. What exactly is return on investment? How is it calculated? Why is there close public attention to the ROI factor in athletics? How can ROI be used as a marketing tool? Produce real-life examples.
Marketing is.
  1. Slack: a case study. How popular is Slack as compared to rival platforms offering similar services? How much of its success can be attributed to marketing? Is its success currently on the rise or on the decline?
  2. Uber: a case study. How has Uber become the leading company in its field? Analyze its history. What role did marketing play in its success? Analyze the company’s exit from the Chinese, Russian, and South Asian markets. Why did the company choose to do it? What benefits did it gain by doing so? What’s the current stand of the company?
  3. Facebook: a case study. Facebook has faced a lot of backlash in recent years. How did the company manage it? What are the examples of Facebook’s different takes on marketing influenced by the company’s negative publicity?
  4. Marketing in recession: a case study. The 2008 global financial crisis took a great toll on the markets worldwide. Nevertheless, there are stories of success for new products introduced to the market at the time. What companies managed to successfully roll out a product in the time following the 2008 global financial crisis? Give a case study of such a company.
  5. Microsoft: a case study. How does Microsoft advertise its products? How are traditional storefronts doing market-wise as compared to the recent advertising trend, mobile phone marketing? What choices does the IT giant make concerning mobile ad targeting? Is it successful?

Here are some more business research topics to explore:

  1. Black Friday: what’s the secret behind the phenomenon? Does it offer real value for money or is it simply a psychological trick of clever marketing?
  2. Digital transformation: how to create an effective digital marketing budget?
  3. Production expenditure: how does marketing affect it?
  4. The Internet of things: what exactly is IoT? What are the examples? How can marketing be incorporated into it?
  5. Relationship banking: how has it been influenced by digital promotion and mobile money accessibility? How is mobile banking redefining the customer-bank relationship?
  6. Credit card responsibility: how to limit compulsive buying behaviors for credit card holders?
  7. Corporate social responsibility: how do organizations use CSR to reinforce brand equity?
  8. Marketing manipulation tactics: what do brands do to get more customers?
  9. Social media marketing as an image builder: different ways of communicating your brand image on the YouTube, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram platforms.
  10. Influencers: how can Internet-famous people impact the buying choices of consumers?
Marketing strategy connting digital devices.
  1. Direct marketing strategies: are consumers equipped enough to shield themselves from it?
  2. Maternity: what is the best way to market baby products?
  3. Family orientation: how does it affect marketing in general?
  4. Online shopping: what do buyers look for when shopping online? What attributes do they compare when choosing the product?
  5. Social class differentiation: how do financial institutions market their products and services differently on the basis of social class?
  6. Internet marketing: what trends can be expected to dominate the online world in the future?
  7. Marketing and culture: how do advertising strategies vary across different cultures?
  8. Political campaigns: how can they impact advertising? Produce real-life examples.
  9. Impulsive buying: how does it occur, and how do brands exploit it?
  10. Loyalty cards: do they boost sales and encourage customer loyalty?
  11. Brand trust: is it possible for well-marketed brands to get away with selling products of substandard quality?
  12. Globalization: what is its impact on consumer behavior?
  13. Customer loyalty: what brand attributes result in it?
  14. Market monopoly: what are some of the successful marketing approaches that can help break through it?
  15. Cause marketing: how does it impact a brand’s affinity with its target audience?
  16. Brand equity: what is the effect of discount offerings and consumer promotions on it?
  17. The outcomes of advertising in a recession
  18. Top-of-mind awareness: how is it best achieved in modern times? Produce real-life data.
  19. Event sponsorships and customer perceptions: how to?
  20. Mobile ad targeting: pros and cons of mobile ad targeting based on users’ browser and app history.
  21. Mortgage marketing: how to make customers be able to differentiate between various mortgage options offered by competing banks?
  22. Click baiting: a promising novelty in sponsored posts promotion or a brand-compromising nuisance, best to be avoided for fear of bad associations with the brand?
  23. Celebrity endorsement: what’s its impact on ROI for CPG brands?
  24. Comparison advertising: is it effective in building brand equity?
  25. Do consumers prefer purchasing routine grocery products online?
  26. Is earned media perceived to be as important as it appears to be?
  27. Word of mouth: what makes people want to forward content to their friends?
  28. Viral content: how to?
  29. Evolving family structures: what has changed and how to address it with marketing?
  30. Augmented reality: how is it enhancing marketing experiences?
  31. Artificial intelligence: what role does it play in modern marketing?
  32. Advertising to children: how to? What are the pitfalls?
  33. Brand salience: how to?
  34. Humour in advertising: what’s the impact, and what’s the customer response?

📈 Accounting Research Titles about Business

As you are very well aware, accounting is all about numbers and measurements. It’s even been called the language of business! That’s why writing a research paper on one of the accounting research paper topics is such a good idea. You are going to master it in no time!

What are the main fields of accounting?

They are:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Tax Accounting

There are carefully selected topics down below that explore each of those fields. Just go there and choose one – it’s that easy!

  1. Taxes and politics. How do organizations fight for the reduction of the taxes they have to pay? How can politicians influence the tax rate in different spheres? Are there any real-life examples of that? How can this situation be curbed? 
  2. Financial markets. What are commodities and stocks? What is the role of financial markets in the global economy? Why are there few people who understand financial markets? What issues does it raise? What can be done about it? 
  3. Accounting information systems. What are the most popular accounting systems used by businesses nowadays? What are the most modern ones? How rapid is the flow of information today? How does it influence modern accounting? What can be done to advance it even further? 
  4. Managing and accounting. How can managerial accounting help a company make better decisions? How does it work? What are the possible examples of successful and unsuccessful decisions made in a company based on the managerial accounting reports? 
  5. Personal finances. Why should individuals hire personal accountants? How can this practice be systematized? What are the alternatives? Produce examples of modern mobile accounting applications and free online services. What are the pitfalls to be aware of? 
  6. Debt management. Why does such a serious issue exist in the modern world? Produce the current numbers of people for whom debt is a life-governing factor. What is the reason behind the prevalence of this problem? Who may benefit from this situation? How can this be fixed? 
  7. Auditing collusion. What is employee / auditing collusion? How can it result in an unfair marketing advantage? Why is it illegal? Produce real-life examples of auditing collusion disrupting marketing equilibrium. What can be done to anticipate and prevent such occurrences in companies? 

Below are some other accounting research topics to explore:

  1. Accounting decisions: what are the criteria for making them correctly?
Accounting: Main Fields.
  1. Forensic accounting: how does the investigation process go? What are the role and essential skills of forensic accountants?
  2. Accounting theory: how is it influenced by culture?
  3. Tax assessment: how to correctly assess the tax on organizational earnings?
  4. The 2008 global financial crisis: what factors were the primary cause?
  5. What are the steps on the way to becoming a certified accountant?
  6. Accounting ethics: what are the modern dilemmas?
  7. Accounting history: what are the historical prospects for the best accounting practices?
  8. Accounting systems: what are the risks in the process of developing their design?
  9. Tax reduction: what are the most effective ways of doing it for organizations?
  10. Managerial accounting: what are the effects of financial markets on management accounting?
  11. Financial fraud: what are the ways to escape it?
  12. Accounting theories: what is their meaning for business?
  13. Normative theories: what are the issues with normative theorizing in accounting?
  14. Theoretical concepts: how to implement them in practical accounting?
  15. Earnings management: how to best organize it in a company?
  16. Cash flow: what is the effect of external factors on cash flow in an organization?
  17. Online accounting: can accountancy be effectively based on the Internet?
  18. Offshore accounting: how does it work? What are the pros and cons?
  19. Accounting systems: which are the most effective for accountants?
  20. Tax code: how to?
  21. Islamic banking: how is it different from the European approach?
  22. Financial markets: what are the known commodities?
  23. Financial transparency: what are the strategies to make organizational finances transparent?
  24. Cloud computing: what is its role in data management for accounting information systems?
  25. The ideal framework for AIS: what does an ideal framework for an accounting information system in multinational cooperatives look like?
  26. Decision-making process: what is the role of AIS in the decision making process for medium / large economic enterprises?
  27. Accounting frauds: analyze three major accounting frauds of the last decade in detail. Why is ethical judgment needed in accounting at all times?
  28. Intellectual capital: how do two major business companies (of your choice) build a relationship between their financial statements and their intellectual capital?
  29. Education for senior executives: how can business education for senior executives influence hedging behavior?
  30. Non-profit accounting: what are its financial reporting requirements?

💫 Business Management Research Topics

Project management is the cornerstone of doing business. After all, how can you do anything without organizing it first? You may think, “Oh, but that’s easy… I just do it!” But that’s not how it works in modern business.

In big corporations, the way you organize a project is often synonymous with its eventual success or failure. Project managers need all of their knowledge, skills, and techniques to make projects meet the requirements. Want to look deeper into the processes and secrets behind project management? The idea for your perfect project management research paper is waiting for you down below!

  1. Project management software. Which project management tools dominate the market today? Are they cost-effective? What do they primarily focus on (e.g., cost, scheduling time, etc.)? Analyze different project management software and find out whether they really lead to project success and increase productivity or not.
  2. Humanitarian logistics. How do system dynamics and project management principles affect logistics operations? The need for humanitarian logistics has increased around the world due to the rise in environmental disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.). How can the sustained damages be reduced? Analyze the collaboration between system dynamics and humanitarian logistics. How does it impact flows in the supply chain, stakeholders, and responses? What are the best adaptations of project management theories?
  3. Project delay causes. Identify the leading symptoms and causes of project delays. How does it impact the project life cycle? How do global construction companies cope with it? What strategies have they devised to deal with the issue?
  4. Factors of project selection. What are the primary factors that affect selecting a project? Analyze the shift of project benefits approach towards customer-centricity. What is the reason for it? What is the difference between the two approaches? Which is more effective in modern business?
  5. IT industry and agile project management. What is the impact of agile project management on productivity in IT companies? Analyze it using quantitative research techniques. Measure improvement of productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction. Analyze and report the outputs of the data using empirical hypothesis testing methods.
  6. Implementation of project management practices. What is the impact of an organization on how project management practices are implemented? Analyze the more informal and people-focused project management practices that are used in small and medium-sized enterprises. Use mixed methods research techniques such as interviews and surveys. Choose companies from a specific sphere to collect data. Examine the size of the company and how it impacts project management practices.
  7. Communication and quality. How significant is communication in maintaining timely delivery and quality of project activities? Analyze the importance of communication between the organization of a project and its stakeholders (external and internal). How does efficient communication help an organization meet the expectations?
  8. Team conflict dynamics model: what conflict types and team conflict profiles are there? How can they produce resolutions that can lead a project to success?
  9. Culture and conflict management: how different cultures of project managers may influence the methods of conflict resolution they implement? How does a project manager’s background affect the way they identify misdeeds and the way they try to deal with conflicts that arise in their project?
  10. Project misalignment with business objectives: how does it affect the overall project performance?
  11. Project management soft skills: how important are they in the context of project success rates? What is the cost of training, and what are the benefits? How do they help the project achieve the desired outcome?
  12. Psychosocial stressors: how do they impact project manager performance? What types of psychosocial stressors are there? Does organizational culture have any mediating effect? Use real-life data.
Anthony Robbins quote.
  1. Project management research trends: how do they influence project success? What is the relationship between project management research trends and social-economic trends?
  2. Project management maturity factors: how do they influence project success in large enterprises? How come the role of projects has increased worldwide, but the overall number of successful projects hasn’t changed? What is the relationship between project performance factors and organizational project management maturity?
  3. Agile-scrum beyond IT: how can it bring managerial benefits to other sectors? Analyze its potential for the healthcare industry. Illustrate how it may be applied to develop frameworks for quality and timeliness improvement. How can it help deliver healthcare in a large-scale patient setting?
  4. Project completion rate: how do organizational characteristics influence it in the construction industry? Analyze data on project performance using key performance indicators (KPIs). Use social network analysis tools to document organizational characteristics.
  5. Leadership style as a mediator: how to connect collaboration satisfaction and emotional intelligence? What leadership styles are there? What are their roles as mediators between emotional intelligence and collaboration satisfaction?
  6. Effective project scheduling system: what are the effects of the application of this planning and scheduling style in construction projects? Use the critical path method (CPM) in the analysis of drafting and subsequent implementation of an effective project scheduling system for manufacturing renewable energy plants.
  7. Effective project manager appointment guidelines: how to design and implement them for construction companies in XYZ? How do two types of leadership styles, person-centered and team-centered, differ when used by project managers? How can one balance them? What does Archer say on the topic in her Realist social theory? Use the data from your analysis for designing effective project manager appointment guidelines to be implemented in XYZ construction companies.
  8. Controlling costs in project management: a systems approach. Analyze the work of the research and development departments for a US-based consumer goods manufacturer.
  9. Culture, project performance, and IT industry: what might be the causes of delay and failure due to cultural factors?
  10. Initiation stage of a project: a review. Analyze the work of the US medicine sector.
  11. Similar but different: review the similarities and differences in how people practice project management across the world.
  12. Competitive advantage: does a company gain a competitive advantage by implementing expert management in a project?
  13. The uncertainty: how valid is it in lengthy and difficult projects in the US construction industry?
  14. The history: investigate and analyze the development and evolution of project management across the past 20 years.
  15. Understanding the intricacies: how important is the grasp of the project’s intricate nature for its effective management?
  16. Benchmarking project management maturity: analyze the benchmark standard of measuring maturity in project management.
  17. Agile project management: how does academic literature help develop its understanding?
  18. The PMBOK guidelines: do they prepare managers for handling project risks successfully?
  19. Project management methodologies: how do various prevailing project management methodologies correspond with efficacy? Review the US market.
  20. Software development methodologies: how do organizations justify their choices?
  21. Teamwork on project management: how important is it in the US healthcare system?
  22. Software tools: how do different project management software tools correspond with efficacy in the developed world?
  23. Attitude towards risk: how does project management handle possible risks in the US oil and gas sector?
Communication flat.
  1. Public procurement: what are the associated challenges for project management in the US IT sector?
  2. The stakeholder approach: how does a global perspective picture its overall success in adoption and completion of projects?
  3. Best project management practices: what does the European financial sector tell us about them?
  4. Leadership qualities: does successful project management need them?

👷 Business Topics on HR

Human resource management is one of the most interesting spheres of business. After all, it’s all about people!

There are three major areas of a human resource manager’s responsibilities. They are: staffing, allocating compensation and benefits for employees, and administrating work.

There’s so much you can do as an HR specialist. It’s as people-oriented as a profession can get. It’s always a continuous process, too. You’ll never get bored!

There are a number of questions an HR specialist needs to know the answer to. How to select the best recruits? How to encourage team spirit and teamwork among the employees? How to motivate people? How to appraise and how to punish? All of those questions and more are raised in our selection of human resources research topics!

  1. Training of employees as a performance enhancer. How does training of employees correspond with their performance? Produce real-life data. Use a questionnaire to identify and determine the workforce needs in an organization. Analyze the data by calculating a simple percentage analysis. How much did employee training influence their performance? Was it cost-effective?
  2. Performance evaluation and its impact on productivity. How does performance evaluation impact employee productivity? What is its purpose? What is the difference between formal and informal evaluations? How should a performance evaluation be carried out? Describe each of the steps. What is the influence of a poor evaluation on an employee’s morale and their absenteeism rate? Produce real-life data.
  3. Motivation and its impact on morale. What motivation theories are there? Which are the most popular to utilize in organizations today? What does the process of staff motivation look like? Does it influence employee performance? Produce real-life data. Analyze the data by calculating a simple percentage analysis.
  4. Performance appraisal and its impact on productivity. What is performance appraisal, and how is it different from performance evaluation / employee motivation? Why is it considered to be crucial for the growth and survival of an organization? What is the role of performance appraisal as a strategic factor? Describe what performance appraisal techniques are used in an organization. How does it impact employee productivity? Produce real-life data.
  5. Human resource and its relevance in modern business. Why are the effective acquisition, utilization, and maintenance of human resources considered to be central to the growth of an organization? How can executive initiative utilize human resources profitably for an organization? What are the techniques of sustaining and developing human resources in an organization? How to achieve maximum cooperation between staff and management?
  6. Stress and its impact on the employee performance. What is the effect of stress on workers’ performance? Produce real-life data. Collect data using questionnaires and descriptive survey research design. Present the collected data in tables. Analyze it using simple percentages and frequencies.
  7. Staff training in business organizations. How to identify the training needs of an organization? What is the role of management in staff training and development? What types of training methods are there? What are the effects of training on employee performance? Produce real-life data.

Here are some of the simpler human resources topics to explore:

  1. Employee loyalty: what are the main factors that can increase it?
  2. Conflicts in the workplace: how to resolve them? What are the most typical ones?
G.K. Chesterton quote.
  1. Recruiting students: what are the pros and cons? 
  2. Employees’ education: should a company pay for it? 
  3. Outsourcing and freelance workers: what are the pros and cons? 
  4. Recruitment: what are the opportunities and risks of recruiting new team members? 
  5. Overqualified employees: how should an HR manager deal with an overqualified employee? 
  6. Talent hunting and management: what’s the human resource manager’s role in this process? 
  7. Character types: what character types are there, and how do they affect the team-building process in a company? 
  8. Workplace harassment and bullying: how should a human resource manager deal with such challenges? What strategies of prevention are to be employed? 
  9. Diversity: how can a company encourage it? What is its impact on the dynamics in the workplace? 
  10. Communication: how to make it effective? How does it affect a company’s success? 
  11. Wages: do they affect employee productivity? How to increase employees’ motivation and make it cost-effective? 
  12. Assessing employee performance: what are the best ways to do it? What tools and criteria are there? 
  13. Labor laws: what are the most critical issues to be resolved? 
  14. Company data: how to protect it in the age of technology? 
  15. Equal pay: are staff members paid equally, and how can HR managers address this issue? 
  16. Health problems: how can they affect employees’ productivity, and how can HR managers address this issue? 
  17. Workplace motivation: what motivates people to work more? 
  18. Mergers and acquisitions: what is the role of an HR specialist in these processes? 
  19. Employee loyalty: how can HR specialists encourage employee loyalty through developing the job satisfaction factor? 
  20. Employee retention: which factors contribute to it? 
  21. Salary bonuses: what are their additional benefits? How can an HR specialist identify who is eligible for getting them? 
  22. Strategic human resources: is there global competitiveness on it, and why? 
  23. Human resources market: describe its demand and supply circle. 
  24. Daily childcare: how can it enhance the performance of employees in the company? 
  25. Compensation packages: what are they and what is their function? How can an HR specialist identify who is eligible for getting them? 
  26. Career planning: should it be more people-oriented, or is it to be centered around companies? 
  27. Professional qualities vs. fitting personality: which is more important? 
  28. Performance tests: how are they to be conducted? 
  29. Do remote interviews match in their effectiveness with personal ones? 

🤔 ABM Strand Research FAQ

❓ What is ABM research?

The Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) research focuses on the basic concepts of financial, marketing, and business management. ABM research explores various strategies employed in the business, marketing, and accounting spheres. It helps specialists in the sphere discern which business theories work best when put to practice.

❓ How is qualitative research used in the field of ABM?

Qualitative research gathers non-numerical data used to uncover customers’ opinions, thoughts, and trends. ABM qualitative studies use focus groups, observations, and interviews. The importance of the qualitative method have been increasingly recognized in the ABM field as a rich in detail and insightful way of analyzing the current market situation.

❓ What is business research?

The nature of business research is the collection, study, and analysis of various business-related data to acquire detailed information and use it to maximize sales and profit of a business. The employed research methods include qualitative and quantitative types. The importance and benefits of business research can’t be overrated.

❓ What is research and development in business?

A marketing research topic is an issue that a researcher is investigating in their marketing research paper. The topic needs to be specific and well-defined to ensure the success of a research project on market and marketing. Selecting a topic is a challenging part of the marketing research.

Learn more on this topic:

🔍 References

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kevin Christopher G. Rosales
kevin Christopher G. Rosales


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