321 Interesting Chemistry Topics & Writing Tips

Chemistry studies matter and what it’s made of. It tells us how substances change and what properties they have. Chemistry seeks to answer questions such as: What is the Universe made of? How do elements react with each other?

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Read our article to dive deeper into this intricate subject. What is more, we’ve prepared a list of 300 exciting chemistry-related topics. You can choose between organic, nuclear chemistry, biochemistry, and other branches. Our interesting topics in chemistry will make your studies more enjoyable!

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🔝 Top 10 Interesting Chemistry Topics

  1. Biochemistry in nursing
  2. Crystalloids vs. colloids
  3. The purpose of dilutions
  4. Principles of electrochemistry
  5. Why is stoichiometry so difficult?
  6. Are there alternative periodic tables?
  7. The polarity of bonds classification
  8. How is nuclear chemistry used?
  9. The importance of Lewis electron dot structure
  10. Endothermic reactions vs. exothermic reactions

✅ Main Branches of Chemistry

Chemistry is a broad subject that uses various methods of study. Because of this, scientists divide it into five main branches. These are organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biochemistry. Let’s investigate them:

  1. Organic chemistry examines life. It seeks to understand the molecular structure and behavior of living beings.
  2. Inorganic chemistry focuses on materials rather than living beings. Chemists of this field aim to advance technology.
Chemical elements.
  1. Physical chemists examine the atomic level of matter. This branch uses physics to study the processes in chemical systems.
  2. Analytical chemists investigate what matter consists of. They look for new analyzing procedures and ways to enhance existing ones.
  3. Biochemistry studies the fundamental biological systems. It improves our understanding of essential medical issues.

Now that we’ve sorted out chemistry basics, we can examine how to write about it. Whether you’re in high school or already in college, the following guide will help you compose an excellent chemistry paper!

✍️ Tips on How to Write a Chemistry Paper

Each subject has its own rules when it comes to writing papers. In chemistry, the organization is the key. That’s why the first step is to have your lab notes in order. Keep your notebook neat and tidy, and you will see that writing becomes much more manageable.

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On top of that, it’s good to have an idea of what an excellent paper should be like. There are three major points you should keep in mind: objectives, style, and structure.

  1. Objectives. Your goal is to identify and convey valuable information. If you want to share it with others, it should be presented as credible scientific work.
  2. Structure. The essay’s basic structure consists of four parts:
    • Introduction. Say what your paper will be about.
    • Methods. Present the methods and materials you use.
    • Results. Describe what you observed during the experiment.
    • Discussion. Analyze the results and summarize the relevance of your study.
  3. Style. Grammatically correct writing is a must. Your style should be formal, concise, and clear. Use the right tense: write your methods and results in the past. For general truths, you can switch to the present.

Finally, don’t forget that for any type of writing, the right topic is crucial. For inspiration, check out our excellent chemistry paper topics!

⭐ Top 10 Chemistry Essay Topics

  1. The history of neurochemistry
  2. Astrochemistry vs. astrophysics
  3. Is radiochemistry a dying field?
  4. Pros and cons of being a biochemist
  5. New concepts of chemical engineering
  6. What makes quantum chemistry difficult?
  7. The importance of agricultural chemistry
  8. The impact of WW2 on computational chemistry
  9. Ernest Rutherford’s contribution to nuclear chemistry
  10. Computer chemistry vs. computational chemistry

🔬 General Chemistry Topics to Write About

Chemistry surrounds us in our everyday life. Have you ever seen moldy bread or boiling water? That’s chemistry in action. Have a look at these 30 easy topics for an introduction into chemistry:

  1. What happens to your body when it lacks vitamins
  2. How does acid rain form? 
  3. Understanding pheromones: how do they affect humans? 
  4. Explain what atoms are made of. 
  5. Ionic and covalent compounds: a comparison. 
  6. How do you solve stoichiometry problems? 
  7. Give an overview of the states of matter. 
  8. A delicate balance: how do chemicals in our brains create moods? 
  9. Describe the noble gas configuration. 
  10. Marie Curie and her extraordinary legacy. 
  11. An introduction into acids and bases
  12. What happens when a substance oxidizes? 
  13. Explain substitution reactions. 
  14. Compare the Bohr model with the plum-pudding and the Saturnian models. 
  15. How does a Geiger counter work? 
  16. Describe the significance of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment. 
  17. How Michael Faraday forever changed the scientific landscape. 
  18. What does Prout’s hypothesis state? 
  19. What are the periodic trends? 
  20. Explain how to analyze amino acids using protein hydrolysis. 
  21. What do catalysts do? 
  22. Everything about lab safety. 
  23. The radium craze of the early 20th century. 
  24. How does substance abuse impact your body? 
  25. Why is it essential to study chemistry in high school? 
  26. Reaction rates: how do we define them? 
  27. Examine how radioactive decay occurs. 

🧑🥼 Chemistry Projects Topics for Science Fair

Experiments are, without a doubt, the most fun part of chemistry. It’s exciting to watch colorful substances fizzle and bubble. If you need ideas for your next project, look no further. Just make sure to follow safety rules!

  1. Find out how to make photosynthesis visible. 
  2. Try to synthesize Aspirin. 
  3. Develop film and explain how you did it. 
  4. Fiddle a wire through an ice cube without drilling holes. 
Catalysts increase chemical reactions.
  1. Extract plant oil and study its properties.
  2. Observe what happens if you dye wool with different colors.
  3. Learn how to make a solution change color.
  4. Determine the amount of caffeine in various sorts of tea.
  5. How do you produce biogas or liquid from organic waste?
  6. Analyze the contents of your toothpaste. Can you find any health hazards?
  7. Make a water filter from scratch.
  8. Why does lemon juice stop apples from browning?
  9. Make a safe smoke bomb.
  10. Document the process of growing crystals.
  11. Identify the pollutants in the air around you.
  12. What makes a flame change color?
  13. Study invisible ink. What makes it disappear?
  14. Wine: how do its chemical compounds relate to its taste?
  15. Emulsions: how to make and break them.
  16. Compare the effectiveness of different vegetable oils in biodiesel manufacturing.
  17. Assess the residue of pesticides in vegetables from various markets.
  18. Measure the density of soft drinks. How does sugar affect it?
  19. Conductivity: what types of solutions are the best electrical conduits?
  20. Food and science: how much energy do nuts and chips produce when burned?
  21. Analyze your hair and check for nutrients.
  22. Examine what soap needs to foam properly.
  23. Change a penny’s color to gold.

🤔 Advanced Chemistry Topics for an Essay

Once you’ve mastered chemistry’s fundamental concepts, you’re ready for the advanced part. Here, you will explore topics such as kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics. Consult our list for 30 interesting advanced chemistry topics:

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  1. Polymers: what do we use them for? 
  2. How do spectroscopes work? 
  3. What chemical information can we find in meteorites? 
  4. Spectroscopy and its many applications. 
  5. Schrödinger’s Cat: what did it reveal about radioactive decay? 
  6. Examine the properties of imino-disaccharides. 
  7. The importance of carbohydrate-protein interactions in immunology. 
  8. CRISPR: how does it work? 
  9. Compare the types of noncovalent bonding. 
  10. Investigate how molecular recognition can be produced synthetically. 
  11. How does nanoscience change our lives? 
  12. What does Le Châtelier’s principle state? 
  13. CBD: what advantages does it have? 
  14. What causes a chemical process to result in equilibrium? 
  15. Compare the types of equilibrium
  16. BPA: how toxic is it? 
  17. Behavior of ideal vs. non-ideal gases. 
  18. Magnetism and coordination compounds. 
  19. The principles of molecular orbital theory. 
  20. Why do certain compounds not exist? 
  21. Cloud seeding: when is it useful? 
  22. What causes the weather to change? 
  23. Why do some plants rely on photosynthesis more than others? 
  24. Describe the properties of hydrogen. 
  25. Explain the connection between collision theory and concentration. 
  26. How do the ab initio methods work? 
  27. Examine the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. 

🦠 Biochemistry Topics to Research

Have you ever wondered what chemical processes happen inside living organisms? Here’s an example: when we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Biochemistry combines biology and chemistry to find out how life works on a molecular level. It’s a life science that deals with the cells, proteins, and lipids that form the core of every being. Clinical research highly benefits from biochemical knowledge.

  1. Explain enzyme inhibitors and their mechanisms.
  2. Enzyme activity: how can you regulate it?
Peter Atkins quote.
  1. Understanding the role of lipase in pathophysiological processes.
  2. The chemical processes behind metabolism.
  3. Amino acids: industrial applications.
  4. Consequences of a protein deficiency.
  5. Dietary supplements: help or hazard?
  6. How does the Citric Acid Cycle work?
  7. Glycolysis: how does it convert glucose?
  8. How do solutes move through biological membranes?
  9. Explain the sodium-potassium pump.
  10. Cells gone rogue: the origins of cancer.
  11. Investigate the functions of hormones.
  12. How can we develop new vaccines?
  13. Discuss the ethics of stem cell research.
  14. The legacy of Dolly the sheep.
  15. SCNT: process and applications.
  16. What are the chemical compounds of blood?
  17. How do you treat hemophilia?
  18. The development of prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes.
  19. How does oxidative phosphorylation synthesize ATP?
  20. Compare the three types of crystallography.
  21. Copying DNA: the principles of PCR.
  22. How does recombination repair work?
  23. What causes redoximorphic features in various soils?
  24. Obtaining protein structures with x-ray crystallography.

🧬 Organic Chemistry Topics for Papers

Organic chemistry serves as the foundation for biochemistry. It is centered on carbon, which is essential to life. Carbon often bonds with other elements as well as itself. That’s what makes it the basis for all organic structures.

  1. Describe the properties of a chiral molecule.
  2. Atmospheric chemistry: methods and observations.
  3. Enantiomers and the Fischer projection practice.
  4. Investigate possible relationships between stereoisomers.
  5. What are the benefits of chemoenzymatic synthesis?
  6. Explore the history of vitalism.
  7. The production of chemicals using carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions.
  8. Hydrocarbon: types and reactions.
  9. Examine the four essential types of organic compounds.
  10. How do free-radical reactions work?
  11. Give examples of esters in everyday life.
  12. How do you turn alcohols into alkyl halides?
  13. Mechanisms of aerosol formation.
  14. Recent discoveries in molecular tuning.
  15. Chemical warfare: the dark side of organic chemistry.
  16. What makes a plant poisonous?
  17. What makes aromatic compounds unreactive?
  18. Phosgene: what makes it toxic?
  19. Explain the mechanism of the Diels-Alder Reaction.
  20. Alpha carbon reactions: when do aldol condensations occur?
  21. How do you identify organic compounds using infrared spectroscopy?
  22. Bonds as springs: the mechanical molecular model.
  23. Identify factors that influence proton chemical shifts.
  24. What does the electron dot structure show?
  25. The properties and reactions of functional groups.
  26. What defines a compound as aromatic?
  27. How do you name amines?

♻️ Green Chemistry Topics to Write About

If you’re concerned with sustainability, green chemistry is your area of choice. It finds ways to make chemical products less harmful to the environment. Research is done at every stage, from the product’s design to its disposal.

  1. How do you prevent pollution?
  2. What do you do with toxic waste?
  3. Discuss the twelve principles of green chemistry.
  4. Source reduction: what are the most effective ways?
  5. Biomimicry: is it the best way to sustainability?
  6. Compare the effectiveness of various materials used in solar cells.
  7. What are the advantages of molar efficiency?
  8. Ionic liquids: are they the future of eco-friendly reagents?
  9. How can the toxicity of paint be reduced?
  10. Innovative ways to avoid pesticides in agriculture.
  11. What are the types of bio-based renewable feedstocks?
  12. Are bioplastics beneficial for the environment?
  13. How do metathesis reactions help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  14. Computer chips: how do we make them more sustainable?
  15. Alternative energies: making fuel from chicken feathers.
  16. Is carbon capture effective?
  17. Will cultivated meat become a green alternative to traditional farming?
  18. How does the Plantrose process work?
  19. What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more
  20. How efficient is artificial photosynthesis?
  21. What are the best ways to remove carbon pollution?
  22. Electrocatalysis as a way to generate and consume fuels.
  23. Discuss the most pressing issues in green chemistry today.
  24. How does LCA work?
  25. What are efficient ways to extract and use critical elements more sustainably?
  26. Describe the advantages of Levulinc Acid use.
  27. How can we make nuclear energy more viable?

⚗️ Inorganic Chemistry Topics for a Paper

Metals and minerals are parts of inorganic chemistry. Scientists in this field want to understand the behavior and properties of inorganic compounds. Practical uses include the manufacturing of fertilizers, adhesives, and coatings.

Inorganic Chemistry.
  1. What are the types of nucleosynthesis?
  2. In which ways are chemicals able to bond?
  3. How does molecular symmetry predict the chemical properties of a molecule?
  4. Vibrational spectroscopy: what is it used for?
  5. Discuss the importance of inorganic compounds in biochemistry.
  6. The history of atomic theory: an overview.
  7. The peculiarities of hydrogen bonds and polarity.
  8. What are the uses of point groups in inorganic chemistry?
  9. Determine the factors that impact Brønsted-Lowry acidity.
  10. How does HSAB explain reaction mechanisms?
  11. What is lattice energy, and how can you measure it?
  12. How do you use coordination compounds as catalysts?
  13. Examine the drawbacks of the crystal field theory.
  14. Define the selection rules for vibrational transitions.
  15. What is the most effective way to grow synthetic diamonds?
  16. How do you use the angular overlap model?
  17. Explain ligand effects.
  18. The magnetic properties of transition metal oxides.
  19. Gold: how does it serve medicine?
  20. The use of chemistry in jewelry manufacturing.
  21. How does the chemical structure of a gemstone determine its color?
  22. Alexandrite: what makes it so unique?
  23. How do ligand substitution reactions work?
  24. Determine the properties of the light types.
  25. What are the fundamental laws of photochemistry?
  26. What causes phosphorescence?
  27. Alloys: what are their benefits?
  28. The history of brass and its usage.

⚛️ Nuclear Chemistry Topics for an Essay

You’ve probably been x-rayed before. It means you’ve been exposed to radiation. Nuclear chemistry seeks to understand radioactivity-related processes. One of atomic science’s most critical problems is the disposal of radioactive waste.

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  1. How do you calculate an element’s half-life? 
  2. Compare the three different types of radiation. 
  3. What are the common uses of radioactive elements? 
  4. How do we know that a nucleus is stable? 
  5. How do elements transmute in the process of nuclear fission? 
  6. Cold fusion: will it ever be possible? 
  7. Radiation: how does it harm biological systems? 
  8. Describe the types of decay. 
  9. How is nuclear chemistry used in medicine? 
  10. Ways to destroy toxic organic compounds using irradiation. 
  11. Interactions between water and radioactive elements. 
  12. How are chemosensors used in radiation chemistry? 
  13. What are the biological applications of radiochemistry? 
  14. The nuclear fuel cycle: managing the disposal of nuclear fuel. 
  15. Compare the efficiency of different extraction methods. 
  16. Fission products and surfaces: what happens when 9TcO2 gets in contact with steel? 
  17. Isotopic chemistry: what distinguishes it from nuclear chemistry? 
  18. Explore the history of NMR. 
  19. Henri Becquerel and the discovery of radioactivity. 
  20. The relevance of hydrogen in nuclear fusion. 
  21. What causes radioactivity? 
  22. The adverse effects of ionizing vs. non-ionizing radiation. 
  23. Why are some people skeptical about the term “nuclear?” 
  24. The Big Bang: how did it create the Universe as we know it? 
  25. How does radiocarbon dating work? 
  26. Mass spectrometry: ionization techniques. 

🧮 Analytical Chemistry Topics for Essays

The matter comes in all forms and shapes. It can be a compound or a single element. If you want to know how matter is structured, analytical chemistry has the answer. Scientists of this branch ensure that our food and other products are safe to consume.

  1. How does activation analysis work?
  2. Why is analytical chemistry important for the environment?
  3. How do you find iron in a mixture of metals?
  4. What are the ways to measure the amount of a specific substance in a compound?
  1. Identifying hazardous substances in cheese.
  2. A simple way to separate chemical compounds: gas chromatography.
  3. Aspirin vs. Ibuprofen: comparing the chemical mechanisms of pain relievers.
  4. Food allergies: where do they come from?
  5. The best techniques for quantitative chemical analysis.
  6. What are the standard techniques to measure the endpoint of a titration?
  7. Mass-based analysis: gravimetric analysis.
  8. How do you neutralize WVO?
  9. Describe the three types of electroanalytical methods.
  10. How do you measure temperature using a calorimeter?
  11. Understanding thermodynamics: the Carnot cycle.
  12. The process of analyzing salt.
  13. How do you identify the shelf life of a medicine?
  14. Ways to find adulterants in drugs.
  15. Compare the healthiness of bottled water based on its chemical compounds.
  16. How can you test cholesterol in blood samples?
  17. Examine how analytical chemistry is used in forensic science.
  18. What are the advantages of spectrochemical methods?
  19. How do you detect pesticides using immunoassays?
  20. Miniaturization: how does it advance analytical chemistry?
  21. Capillary Liquid Chromatography: an overview.
  22. Immunochemistry: applications in environmental analysis.
  23. The development of analytical technology in the past 20 years.
  24. Explain how to determine PAH sources in soil.

🧪 Physical Chemistry Topics for Papers

Is chemistry not enough for you? Try combining it with physics! For physical chemists, it is crucial to understand how molecules and atoms act. They use various models to study the structure and behavior of these tiny particles.

  1. Explain how to determine an atom’s electron configuration.
  2. Describe the structure of an atom.
  3. Isotopes: why do they exist?
  4. What is the Time-of-Flight principle?
  5. How do you calculate the mass of an atom?
  6. Define successive ionization energies.
  7. What are the gas laws?
  8. Equation of state: ideal vs. real gases.
  9. Explain why the Earth is considered a closed thermodynamic system.
  10. What is the Avogadro constant?
  11. The difference between empirical and molecular formulae.
  12. Calculating percentage yields: balanced equations.
  13. How do intermolecular forces affect the melting point of a substance?
  14. What are the four types of crystal structures?
  15. Define the types of forces that exist between molecules.
  16. Explain how to relate the melting point and conductivity of a substance to their type of structure.
  17. Reasons why molecules with polar bonds might not have a permanent dipole.
  18. Endothermic or exothermic? Determining enthalpy change.
  19. What are the applications of Hess’s law?
  20. Explain the use of mean bond enthalpy.
  21. When does a collision not cause a reaction?
  22. How does temperature affect the reaction rate?
  23. How do catalysts work?
  24. Describe what Born-Haber cycles are used for.
  25. Explore the history of thermochemistry.
  26. Give examples of quasi-static processes.
  27. The study of chaos: calculating entropy.
  28. When is a reaction reversible?

We hope that you found a topic you like. Now good luck with your essay!

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🔍 References

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