Essay on Disaster Management: 200+ Topics on Natural Disasters

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To begin with, when people encounter a disaster risk, it’s a tragedy. Emergency situations can affect hundreds, thousands, and millions of people. These are the crises and events that change people’s lives drastically. So, disaster and emergency management essay topics aren’t that fun to discuss.

Moreover, an essay on disaster management requires thorough research. Mentioning how people handle natural hazards and recovery from such tragedies is essential for the paper. But you can approach the discussion from different sides.

In this article, our experts will help you with the following:

  • How to nail disaster management essay writing.
  • What to write your paper about.
  • Types of disaster management and their importance.

And good luck!

📑 Disaster Essay Plan

If you’re writing an essay on such a serious topic, a how-to guide will be of great help. Here, we explore the ideas and issues to explore in your paper and the way to organize it.

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Check what information your natural disasters essay can include.

Start with the Basics

We skipped it in this post, but you shouldn’t do this in your paper.

When writing a natural disasters essay of 500 words, or 1000 words, it’s essential to start with some general facts:

  • A natural disaster definition would be a good beginning. Tell about various types, too.
  • You can also provide information about a national disaster of your choice.
  • Talk about countries that suffer from it more frequently than others, like India, Japan, etc.
  • You can also write a quick rundown of the latest natural disasters.

Don’t forget to make this part meaningful, leading to your thesis statement, where you state your position.

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Go into More In-Depth Details

In the main body, provide specific details about the catastrophe you’ve decided to describe:

  • the locations where it can happen,
  • causes of natural disasters,
  • effects this particular disaster can have (both on the environment and in people’s lives),
  • and more.

Elaborating on each issue, offer evidence. For example, the disaster’s effect on transportation, infrastructure, economy, and so on can be supported by worldwide statistics data. A previously made outline might be a great help here.

Another thing you can do:

You can compare the disaster in question with other ones of the same type. Talk about the damages caused by them and how people dealt with the aftermath. Provide a couple of examples to prove your point.

Be sure to provide as many details as possible. As a result, your essay is maximally useful.

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Talk About Disaster Management

Now, you can pass on the details of handling the situation. To be more specific, you’re going to tell your readers what to do in case of a catastrophe.

In this part of your essay on disaster management, you will have to talk about its phases. They are:

  • Prevention
  • Mitigation
  • Preparedness
  • Response
  • Recovery

We’ll talk more about disaster management later on in the article.

Make Your Disaster Essay Even More Helpful

Do you want to make your disaster management essay more informative and impressive? Then tell about various organizations that deal with managing disasters. These resources can also help natural disaster victims or those who want to be aware of all the necessary information if something terrible happens.

Say a few words about the following organizations:

These resources provide information about the prevention of natural disasters and what types of assistance are available. How to find missing friends or family members? What are the ways of recovering after disaster strikes? There are also community resources that can help with recovery.

End on a High Note

You don’t want to frustrate your reader, leaving them with a bitter impression. No matter how long your natural disaster essay is – 200 words, 300 words, or a thousand. It’s crucial to deliver a positive message.

Here’s what you can do;

  1. Talk about the consequences. Tell about the lessons that catastrophic events you’ve described teach us, as human beings. Spreading awareness about the consequences is essential, especially if we talk about man-made disasters. You might mention the role of the media in spreading awareness about environmental disasters.
  2. Talk about dealing with disasters. It might be a natural disaster, such as a tsunami, or human-made, like the Chernobyl disaster. Your essay should include info about how people dealt with them. The experience individuals get from dealing with disasters is priceless.
  3. Mention the value of human life. Encountering natural disasters reminds people of how fragile their lives are. It shows the importance of cherishing the life given.

In the end, you’ll have to summarize your essay and restate your thesis. While you try not to leave a negative message, don’t present any new thoughts or concepts. Draw a clear conclusion from the info mentioned in the body.

📢 Disasters to Talk About

As we’ve mentioned earlier, disasters are divided into two categories—natural and man-made.

Natural DisastersMan-Made Disasters
Natural disasters happen regardless of human actions. Man-made disasters are hazards caused by humans.
With resources and possibilities, the reduction of disaster risk is minimal; Natural calamities might be made worse by humans. A wrong response to the disaster, or lack of such, might cause severe damage.
Cause damage to property, physical damage, and deaths. Cause damage, loss of life, and property. Additionally, it might cause evacuation from certain areas and overuse of health resources in the affected regions.

🌪️ Natural Disasters

Natural disasters are phenomena or processes that occur due to a force of nature and hurt the environment and people. They can cause injuries, property damage, environmental damage, and loss of life or other health impacts.

There are two types of natural disasters—geological hazards (involving geological processes) and meteorological hazards (or climate hazards).

Geological Hazards

A geological hazard is an extreme natural event in Earth’s crust that represents a threat to life and property. Now, let’s take a closer look at them.

Geological HazardsDescription
EarthquakeThey are characterized by shaking or displacement of the ground. If it happens on the sea, an earthquake can often result in a tsunami. The cause of an earthquake is a sudden release of energy from lithospheric plates that lead to seismic waves.
AvalancheIt’s a vast mass of snow or rock that slides down a mountain. This rapid slide or falling of material is due to the force of gravity. People usually consider the size of the avalanche and some harmful consequences caused by it. They use the information to classify this natural disaster.
LaharThey are closely related to a volcanic eruption. It involves a large mass of material from a glaciated volcano eruption. It slides rapidly away from the volcano. The material usually includes rocks, ash, and mud from the melted ice. These kinds of flows are capable of destroying entire small towns, forming flood basalts.
Coastal erosion It involves shifting or changing of shorelines in coastal areas. Currents and waves usually cause coastal erosion. Those result from storm surges and tides. It can also be a consequence of severe tropical cyclones. Long-term processes like beach evolution are also a cause.
LandslideIt is a massive ground movement that can include slope failure, falling rocks, or debris flows. Landslides can also happen in coastal areas or underwater. The original driving force of such an event is gravity. But quite often, landslides are a cause of other factors that decrease the stability of slopes.
Volcanic eruptionIt happens during the active state of a volcano. Eruptions may come in various forms. There can be small daily explosions or less frequent ones, but a much more considerable amount of material erupted. Apart from that, volcanoes can form pyroclastic flows. Those are hot clouds consisting of steam and ash. They descend from the mountain at very high speed.
SinkholeIt is a localized depression in the surface. The most usual cause of sinkholes is the collapse of a subterranean structure (like a cave). They appear rarely, but suddenly. They can bring a great deal of damage to highly populated areas, especially with lots of buildings that can collapse.

Meteorological Hazards

Meteorological hazards are calamities caused by extreme weather factors, such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed. So, let’s talk in more detail about these.

Meteorological HazardsDescriptions
HailstormIt happens when hailstones (balls of ice) are produced during a thunderstorm. Hailstones are damaging to locations where they fall. The consequences are especially severe if the hailstorm rains down on a farm field. It can damage equipment and ruin crops.
BlizzardA blizzard is a severe storm in winter. It is characterized by heavy snow, strong winds, and low temperatures and usually lasts for three or more hours. And the speed of the wind is at least 35 mph. There’s also a ground blizzard. The snow isn’t falling but is instead lifted from the ground and blown around during it.
HeatwaveThis is a rare phenomenon that might be related to global warming. It involves masses of hot air appearing in an area where such temperatures are unusual. Or even extreme. Heatwaves arise due to a combination of multiple weather events. They include katabatic winds and temperature inversions. Building resilience is needed, as extreme heat is quite harmful.
DroughtThis is a period of low precipitation. It results in shortages of water supply, including atmospheric water, groundwater, and surface water. Droughts can last for quite a long time, ranging from months to years. It’s harmful to the region’s economy, agriculture, and ecosystem.
Ice stormIt’s a type of winter storm that involves freezing rain. The main characteristic of an ice storm is that the ice accumulates on surfaces. The rain itself isn’t severe. And the temperature is just below freezing. But it can still bring a lot of damage. Glaze ice covers all the surfaces, adding extra weight. It results in fallen branches or even whole trees. The weight of the ice also snaps power lines and breaks power or utility poles.
Cyclonic stormThis phenomenon comes in different forms and under various names: typhoon, hurricane, a tropical cyclone. But all those names mean practically the same thing. This is a storm system that forms over the ocean because of evaporated water. The storm also spins due to the Coriolis effect. The average wind speed is 74 mph. This is probably one of the most common U.S. natural disasters.
TornadoThis natural disaster usually comes as a result of a thunderstorm. It’s a rotating air column. The airspeed in it ranges from 50 mph up to 300 mph (and sometimes even higher). They can appear one at a time or in clusters or outbreaks. Tornadoes can happen both on the land and over the water. It’s easy to find videos of this disaster online to understand how severe it can get.
Geomagnetic stormThis is a temporary interruption of the planet’s magnetosphere. The primary cause of it is a solar wind shockwave. It forms a magnetic field cloud. And it goes into interaction with the magnetic field of the Earth. It can cause electrical systems disruptions and affect communication facilities, satellite, and navigation systems.
WildfireThis is an unplanned fire that burns uncontrollably. Wildfire can be a consequence of either natural events or human activity. Many natural phenomena can cause a fire. These include rockfall sparks, lightning strikes, volcanic eruptions, and spontaneous combustion.
FloodThis is an overflow of water in typically dry areas. It usually happens due to rivers, lakes, or oceans spilling out of their boundaries. Or because of rainwater that accumulates on the saturated ground. Floods can have different development speeds, from slow ones to flash floods that can start in a matter of minutes. Numerous documental movies have enough evidence of floods being a severe issue for people, regardless of whether they live in a developed country or not.

⚡ Man-Made Disasters

Man-made disasters (also known as anthropogenic) are events caused by the action or inaction of humans. These disasters also affect the environment, humans, other organisms, and ecosystems.

Let’s now move to describe disasters themselves to give you ideas for your future essay.

Societal Hazards

Most societal hazards can be prevented by taking proper measures and actions. These hazards usually appear due to anti-social and criminal behavior. It all can be reported if spotted at the right time.

Societal HazardsDescription
Civil disorderThis broad term covers any disturbance that involves many people that all have a common aim. Reasons for such disorders vary widely. The condition is mainly hazardous for specific groups of people: for those directly involved in it, for people controlling it, and for passers-by. For those staying out of the disorder, it’s usually not dangerous.
CrimesCrimes involve behavior that imposes a risk of injury or death for other people. Another risk factor is the difficulty of preventing such actions. It depends on many factors, such as place and time.
TerrorismIt is the use of violence to achieve individual goals. Threatening the use of violence is also considered terrorism. The intentions vary from ideological to religious and political. The greatest danger of terrorism is that anyone can be a target, from regular citizens to government officials.
WarIt’s a conflict between large groups of people that involves the use of weapons – war results in destroyed countries, cities, economies, and cultures. Wars can easily be considered some of the worst disasters in history, regardless of their origin.
Engineering hazardsEngineering hazards include the failure of structures that people use. Or the use of hazardous materials. The failure can often be the result of the poor structural design. The involvement of inexperienced workers is another reason for it. The low quality of materials used can also cause an engineering hazard.
Industrial hazardsIndustrial hazards usually include accidents resulting from the release of hazardous materials. Those accidents often happen in a commercial context. They endanger the lives of people involved in the accident. Industrial hazards also have an environmental impact and can harm people close to the disaster.
FireEven a fire that started as a result of natural events can turn into a man-made disaster, especially if people ignore it and don’t take any action to stop it. Fires can also start due to negligence or arson (starting a fire to cause damage).
Waste disposalThere’s a single major cause of this problem. It’s putting hazardous materials into commercial and domestic waste streams.
Power outageThis is an interruption of electrical energy sources. Short-term (up to a couple of hours) outages don’t have much of an adverse effect. At the same time, long-term ones influence personal and business activities. It can also cause emergencies in medical and rescue services. Extended power outages usually occur due to natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods.

Hazards Related to Dangerous Materials

Dangerous materials released from man-made or natural hazards threaten human health by increasing the possibility of human exposure to hazardous materials. So, now, let’s take a look at them.

Dangerous Materials Hazards Description
Toxic MetalsThose include metals and salts of metals. Elements such as copper, mercury, lead, and transuranic metals, may expose humans to toxicity. It has a long-term negative influence on health. The longer the exposure—the worse the effect.
CBRNThis acronym is referring to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards. The term usually describes a terror threat with the usage of mentioned hazards.
OrganohalogensThese are synthetic organic molecules that contain atoms of halogens. They were considered to be harmless when first produced. But they have a negative physiological effect on organisms in the long run. Some of the compounds are also soluble and can make it into the food chain.
Radioactive materialsSuch materials are capable of producing ionizing radiation, which has an extremely harmful effect on living organisms. Even a short exposure to radioactive materials can have long-term health consequences.

Transportation Hazards

Transportation hazards include disastrous events that can happen anywhere. On the road, in aviation, on railways, in sea travel, and even in space. Several reasons can cause a crash, from mechanism malfunctions to trivial inattention or carelessness. Such catastrophes not only endanger the people involved in them. They also harm the environment, for example, when freight vehicles are involved.

Environmental Hazards

A man-made disaster is classified as environmental if it affects ecosystems and biomes. Such disasters include air pollution, uncontrollable deforestation, oil spills, and water pollution.

👨‍💼 Disaster Management

What is natural disaster management, anyway? What is the role of adults and youth in it?

Disaster management is the management and organization of responsibilities and resources. Its goal is to deal with the humanitarian aspects of an emergency. Put simply, how to help victims of natural disasters.

There are five stages of the disaster management process:

Five stages of disater management.

Let’s see what each of these stages entails.


The name of this stage explains its purpose. Its primary focus is on preventing hazards and potential natural disasters.

Measures are usually taken on different scales, including international and domestic levels. They’re designed to provide reliable protection from possible disasters.

Of course, it isn’t possible to stop all disasters. But there’s always a chance to minimize the risks of injuries and loss of life. All thanks to environmental planning, evacuation plans, and the introduction of specific design standards.


Mitigation measures are those that are taken before a disaster or emergency happens. It aims to reduce or eliminate the risks and impact a hazard can have on people and the environment.

Mitigation measures come in different forms depending on the hazard itself.

Here are some examples of possible actions:

  • Structural changes to buildings
  • Securing items inside buildings
  • Installation of generators
  • Construction of shelters
  • Large-scale mitigation measures on the national level


The focus of this stage is to prepare supplies and equipment. It also involves developing usage procedures when a disaster happens.

The primary goal is to reduce the level of people’s vulnerability to a disaster. Also, to mitigate a disaster’s impact. And to be able to have a more effective response in case of an emergency.

Organizations like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) even develop a disaster management plan. They also make disaster supply kit lists. Other agencies and organizations use them to teach people how to help each other. Or they modify those plans to increase their effectiveness. Those can be found on the web in the form of downloadable PDF files or printed handouts.


The response stage aims at fulfilling the humanitarian needs of the population affected by a disaster. Depending on the consequences, anyone can provide such assistance, including individuals, social workers, organizations, national and international agencies.

The most important part of the proper response is the effective coordination of assistance, especially if there’s a misbalance in the amounts of demand and the available answers.

In the case of massive and overwhelming disasters, donations play a crucial role in the response process. They range from all kinds of gifts to money (which is the most efficient type of assistance).


The question is: can communities recover after the disaster happens?

The recovery stage begins after the threat to human life is gone. The goal here is to bring the affected area back to normal condition as quickly and efficiently as possible.

This stage usually involves numerous processes—reconstructing buildings, refilling food availability, and preparing the equipment.

🌎 Disaster Management Essay Topics

  1. The role of the government oeganizations in mitigation of natural disasters. 
  2. Discuss how to address the needs and demands of vulnerable population in disaster management.   
  3. Explain why earthquakes are among the most dangerous natural disasters.  
  4. Natural disasters and the strategies of disaster management in Katmandu. 
  5. Natural disasters and vulnerable health populations. 
  6. Describe the ways to improve disaster response.
  7. Discuss the cases of post-disaster fraud and how to prevent them.  
  8. What disaster mitigation strategies can reduce the consequences of flash floods.  
  9. Examine how natural disasters influence various systems.  
  10. The vital role of SNS in a case of a disaster. 
  11. Analyze ethical and legal issues that arise in case of a natural disaster.  
  12. Explain why hurricane Katrina is considered one of the worst national disasters in the USA.  
  13. Describe 2 different global disasters and explain their causes.  
  14. Discuss the importance of emergency planner in effective disaster preparedness.  
  15. Issues that may arise during rebuilding and recovery after natural disaster.  
  16. The main aspects of safety and disaster training for healthcare workers. 
  17. Analyze winter snow disaster in Philadelphia and its impact on the community.  
  18. Examine the reasons and consequences of the Budalangi flood.  
  19. Explain why the problem of wildfire in California is getting out of control.  
  20. Discuss the response to the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.  
  21. Compare and analyze the earthquakes in California and Armenia.  
  22. What were the causes and consequences of Haiti earthquake.  
  23. Describe what the emergency response to a volcano eruption should be.  
  24. Why was the blizzard of 1888 so deadly?  
  25. Is it possible to avoid catastrophic drought?  
  26. Analyze how media depicts droughts in Africa.  
  27. Discuss economic and environmental consequences of earthquakes.  
  28. Explain the meaning of “New Normal” concept after disaster.  
  29. What steps should government take for better protection from wildfire?  
  30. Analyze the issues and lessons of hurricane Katrina.  
  31. Compare the preparedness and response strategies to Haiti and Japan’s earthquake. 
  32. Describe tsunami causes and countermeasures.  

Hopefully, you’ve found this guide on natural disaster essay writing useful.

If you have any thoughts on writing disaster essays—make sure to leave a comment about it below. You can also leave a comment if you want to share more disaster resources. Have any questions, suggestions, or even a story to tell? Leave a comment!

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Comments (8)

Asumthamary. S
Asumthamary. S

It’s really superb!

Custom Writing
Custom Writing

Thank you, Asumthamary!


Wow. It is very helpful. Thanks.

Julia Reed
Julia Reed

Thank you for the feedback!


What is the most effective process of prevention disasters?

Julia Reed
Julia Reed

It’s quite a complex process, and there’s definitely more than one choice.


Thank you a lot. I found this post very helpful in writing my essay on disaster management. Best regards, Michael


Thanks for the excellent guide to writing an essay on disaster management. Very helpful points to include in a disaster management paper! I wish you good luck!

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