3 Scholarship Essay Examples about Yourself [2024]

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it,” states a famous saying by Paulo Coelho. Now you probably want a scholarship, don’t you? If not the whole universe, at least the Internet helps you achieve this goal, by providing these three amazing scholarship essay examples by Custom-writing.org to gain a better understanding of how your paper should look like.

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Though your main idea (“Please, give me this scholarship”) is clear from the very beginning, you need to find the best way to express it in your paper. There are three main approaches to scholarship applications for college students:

🙋‍♂️Focus on yourself – your unique qualities, skills, and achievements.
💸Focus on your financial needs – financial hardships caused by personal circumstances.
🎯 Focus on your career goals – the prospects after getting a scholarship.

Below you’ll find a “tell me about yourself” scholarship essay example, as well as ones focused on career goals and financial needs. Feel free to choose any of these approaches, but beware of the potential pitfalls of each of them.

🙋‍♂️ Scholarship Essay Example Focusing on Yourself

Beware of the pitfall: avoid shameless self-promotion and memoir writing style. Mention only relevant and significant details of your biography and life views.

Below is a scholarship essay sample that focuses on personal interests and aspirations.

Scholarship Essay Example #1


My Mom says that I decided to become a doctor when I was only five years old. Of course, I do not remember when and why this idea came to me. But as the years were passing by, my intention to become a doctor became firmer.

I had two beautiful examples before my eyes – my grandfather and my Biology teacher, who inspired me to choose nursing as a profession. My grandfather is a great doctor who saved hundreds of lives. Even today, when he is already retired, his former patients come to see him and ask him for a piece of advice. He devoted his entire life to serving people, and his effort was not in vain. Looking at his glowing eyes when the grandfather is telling me how he saved soldiers during the Second World War, I understand that there is no other profession more rewarding and inspiring than nursing.

Whereas my grandfather showed me the spiritual side of this noblest profession, my Biology teacher, Mrs. Stevens, cultivated my love for knowledge and my interest in the latest innovations in the field.

Comment: The essay is persuasive because the applicant provides specific details and shares his/her true feelings and emotions.

💸 Scholarship Essay Sample Focusing on Your Financial Need

Beware of the pitfall: do not demand sympathy, but rather focus on how you succeed in overcoming hardships.

Here is a scholarship essay sample that discusses the applicant’s financial needs, using the appropriate tone.

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Scholarship Essay Example #2


Friedrich Nietzsche said that what does not kill us makes us stronger. I learned this simple principle in my early childhood when my parents gave me all the love in the world, but could not afford any pocket money. By overcoming our financial hardships, I learned the key life values, and I hardened my willpower. I know how to save and manage money, and I will become a good economist.

Regardless of our family’s income, the expenses on my younger sister’s treatment took the most significant part of our budget. Susie has a rare genetic disease, and my parents had to consult the best doctors and buy expensive medicine to improve her condition. I started working early and know the true price of every penny. Yet, my parents gave me much more than a ticket to the cinema or a birthday party with tens of friends – they gave me a real understanding of what is valuable in life.

Friedrich Nietzsche said that what does not kill us makes us stronger. I learned this simple principle in my early childhood when my parents gave me all the love in the world, but could not afford any pocket money. By overcoming our financial hardships, I learned the key life values, and I hardened my willpower. I know how to save and manage money, and I will become a good economist.

Regardless of our family’s income, the expenses on my younger sister’s treatment took the most significant part of our budget. Susie has a rare genetic disease, and my parents had to consult the best doctors and buy expensive medicine to improve her condition. I started working early and know the true price of every penny. Yet, my parents gave me much more than a ticket to the cinema or a birthday party with tens of friends – they gave me a real understanding of what is valuable in life.

Comment: The applicant chooses the right tone, revealing his/her maturity and an active life position. Instead of complaining about hardships, s/he tells how s/he overcame them and how this hardened her will.

🎯 Scholarship Essay Example Focusing on Your Career Goals

Beware of the pitfall: avoid creating the image of a superhero. Be realistic and do not promise to save humanity or “make the difference” in the field, like thousands of students write in their papers.

Here is an example of a scholarship essay that discusses the applicant’s plans.

Scholarship Essay Example #3


Just like a chess player, I prefer to have a long-term strategy as my plan. That’s why I have chosen law as my future profession when I was in middle school. I concentrated my effort on learning the related subjects, and I became rather knowledgeable in the field. And now, when I work on this personal statement, I already start making plans for my further professional development.

I understand that it is impossible to become a good lawyer overnight. Moreover, even a diploma does not guarantee truly valuable professional skills and knowledge. Professionalism in any field requires a substantial investment of time and effort. Due to the ever-changing laws with their numerous amendments, this field is especially demanding. Continuous self-education and communication with more experienced colleagues are critical for becoming a good lawyer…

Comment: The applicant mentions his/her current achievements, but is realistic about the need for further self-education and self-improvement.

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Now, as you have these three wonderful examples of scholarship essays, you won’t have difficulties generating ideas for your own papers. Choose the most appropriate option, avoid the common pitfalls, and write a truly convincing scholarship essay sample!

✏️ Scholarship Essay FAQ

❓ How to write a scholarship letter about yourself?

To write a good application for a scholarship, make sure that your essay proves your strong motivation. Include relevant details about your education, acquired skills, practical experience (perhaps you already have work history). For a college, it’s vital that they see a responsible and motivated candidate.

❓ How to start a scholarship essay about yourself?

To begin an application, you do not necessarily need to be creative. It’s OK to introduce yourself, write about your education and work experience (if applicable). Then, say something along the lines: “I am strongly motivated to get the scholarship because…”

❓ How to describe yourself in a scholarship essay?

In that type of essay, your aim is to introduce and kind of sell yourself. Thus, write about relevant details of your educational and work background. Talk about the skills you’ve acquired. Highlight your strong motivation for further development (within the program you apply for).

❓ What is a personal hardship essay?

It is a paper that deals with your motivation to get some kind of assistance/scholarship. It explains the reasons, typically some life circumstances, that make you unable to pay for the educational program (for example). In that essay, you write about yourself and why you deserve assistance.


This article was developed by the editorial team of Custom-Writing.org, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.
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