150 Argumentative Research Paper Topics [2024 Upd.]

Argumentative research paper topics are a lot easier to find than to come up with. We always try to make your life easier. That’s why you should feel free to check out this list of the hottest and most controversial argumentative essay topics for 2024. In the article prepared by custom writing experts, you’ll find unique ideas for college, high school, and middle school. You might want to take your favorite topic as it is, or use it as an example and formulate one by yourself. Another option would be to tale the main keywords and try them on a research paper topic generator in order to get more choices.

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OK, let’s cut to the chase, and continue with our suggested argumentative topics for 2024!

🔝 Top 10 Argumentative Research Paper Topics

  1. The benefits of GMOs
  2. Is online dating dangerous?
  3. Ways to reduce college tuitions
  4. Should school athletes get paid?
  5. Alternatives to the death penalty
  6. Why is passive smoking dangerous?
  7. How can we regulate YouTube content?
  8. Should junk food advertisements be banned?
  9. Should parents answer for children’s misbehavior?
  10. How do wildfires contribute to global warming?

⭐ Top 10 Argumentative Essay Topics 2024

🚬 Should vaping be illegal?
🎨 Are NFTs the future of art?
🌳 Benefits of pandemics for the nature
🧪 Why vaccinations should be mandatory
📱 Should TikTok be banned in schools?
👓 The drawbacks of VR technologies
🏥 Artificial intelligence benefits for the healthcare
🌐 Can the Internet of Things be used in education?
🔗 Is blockchain damaging for the environment?
💬 Does censorship negate the freedom of speech?

📱 Argumentative Research Paper Topics on Social Media

  1. Hiding identities online: should it be allowed? Anonymous surveys are not an unusual thing anymore. However, people can leave pretty offensive comments without naming themselves. It all leads to them feeling invincible. Should this function be removed for the sake of equality and justice?
  2. Will GIFs become a new way of communication? People are getting more used to exchanging emoji and GIFs as a reaction to something. But is it a good idea? Can it affect our behavior patterns and the way we express our emotions in real life?
  3. Online shaming and bullying: where is the limit? Since practically anyone can be active online these days, shaming has become an enormous problem. No one watches it, and only turning off the comment option is a way out. But other than that, who is in control of the unstopping flow of abusive comments?
  4. Punctuation and spelling mistakes in texting. We all know someone who goes crazy when they see the slightest mistake in the text message. They may get pretty annoying, that’s true. But does it really matter? Or should we take it easy on spelling mistakes in the text messages?
  5. Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness? They say social media connects people from all over the world. But despite having thousands of friends online and hundreds of likes under photos, we can still feel lonely. Why is it happening?
  6. How has Snapchat changed the social media industry?
  7. Should there be a limit for sending text messages?
  8. The impact of social media on the phenomenon of narcissism.
  9. The issue of missing real life while filming?
  10. Advantages and disadvantages of social media for college students.
  11. What is the value of digital photos compared to those taken by film cameras?
  12. What would make people delete their Facebook account?
  13. Are new popular game apps a part of the culture?
  14. Should social media consider adding a “dislike” function?
  15. Screen time matters: what makes people stare at their phones so much?
  16. The decline of Facebook’s popularity and its reasons.
  17. How to only choose useful apps for your smartphone.
  18. Employers on Facebook: why should you be careful with your content?
  19. They are watching you: how to keep your privacy online?
  20. The issue of fake profiles online.
  21. Is there still a deep meaning in digital photography?
  22. Do influencers have fun spending hours taking a perfect shot?
  23. Mental health and social media: is there anyone to help?
  24. The optimal age restriction for new social media users.
  25. Manipulating people’s feelings online: dangers.

👪 Family Argumentative Topics 2024

  1. How traumatic is the divorce of the parents for a child? There is no doubt that children are sensitive in terms of the relationship between their parents. Usually, kids blame themselves for the split of the family. As it often happens, they also go through a divorce in their adulthood.
  2. Kids’ rooms: why privacy matters? Parents don’t usually think about the privacy of their children. They rush to invade in their rooms without permission and go through their stuff. How does it affect the perception of trust in kids?
  3. Should we reconsider the age restrictions for starting a family? The age when young couples decide to get married and start a family varies from culture to culture. However, sometimes it appears that they are not ready for that. Should we think about implementing some restrictions to protect their mental and physical health?
  4. What is the optimal age for children to travel without supervision? It is also a matter of personal preference. However, there must be some limits. Up until a specific age, parents are fully responsible for the safety of their children. But kids need some freedom. What should be a solution?
  5. Where is the line between discipline and child abuse? Unfortunately, some parents don’t know when to stop. It is normal to practice some disciplinary methods, but crossing the line is dangerous. A child’s mental health is on stake. What parents see as a light punishment, may look like an act of hate and abuse for a child.
  6. Should fathers spend as much time with their kids as mothers do?
  7. Choosing the teenagers’ outfits or letting them do it?
  8. Sharing the records of the students with parents: is it the right decision?
  9. Limiting the screen time of children and the benefits.
  10. Who should teach kids how to behave?
  11. The community approach to building families and raising kids.
  12. Traveling around as a family: benefits for the relationship between the family members.
  13. Are parents violating children’s rights by posting pictures of them online?
  14. Pursuing parents’ dreams: do children have a choice?
  15. Bribing kids: is it for their sake or to spare a minute of peace for parents?
  16. The effect of modern culture on childhood.
  17. No punishment: what is the effect on children?
  18. Teaching children responsibility without pushing them to do chores.
  19. Buying your kids expensive technology: is it worth it?
  20. A life without store-bought toys: the benefits.
  21. Pros and cons of moving outside the city as a family.
  22. Is it appropriate for kids to watch horror movies?
  23. Are there restrictions for Halloween costumes, and what are they?
  24. Encouraging children without giving them too many trophies.
  25. How are parents shaping the children’s behavior unconsciously?

👨‍⚕️ Argumentative Research Paper Topics on Health and Nutrition

  1. What is the role of nutrition in professional sports (e.g., soccer)? We all know professional athletes train a lot. But how important is nutrition in that process? Why do they follow different diets and still get pretty much the same results? Are there specific foods that help them win?
  2. Are French fries considered a part of your vegetable intake? Most of us probably wish it was true. Well, potatoes are vegetables, frying oils are made of plants as well. What’s the problem? It appears it is not that simple.
  3. Why are school diets not as healthy as we wish they were? Parents all over the world would surely like to see some nutritious and healthy lunches at schools. But the reality is far from that, especially in the US. Why do only some schools implement healthy diets for school lunches?
  4. Why is reading the lists of ingredients on the products so important? Unfortunately, most people don’t have a clue about what they eat and where it comes from. The worst part is that it may contribute to their health issues in the future. Reading the labels can save people from consuming harmful foods.
  5. E-cigarettes and under-aged: should teenagers use them? Maybe e-cigarettes are not as harmful as the usual smoke, but they still carry some risks. Moreover, they increase the chance that people would start smoking tobacco later. So why do we allow teens to use them?
  6. The age restrictions on alcohol: should the limits be lowered?
  7. What is the effectiveness of the pictures on the tobacco packs?
  8. The health risks connected with cosmetic surgeries.
  9. Are the diets that models follow healthy enough?
  10. Marijuana and science: what are the effects of this drug on our health?
  11. Why do looks matter more in our society than being healthy?
  12. Implementing required drug tests for school students: pros and cons.
  13. The hidden harm of the regular consumption of energy drinks.
  14. The phenomenon of binge drinking in the US.
  15. What are the restrictions on the amount of sugar in soft drinks?
  16. The methods colleges can implement to reduce the drinking problem among students.
  17. Distracted driving: is it as serious and drunk driving?
  18. What is the real importance of not skipping breakfast?
  19. The issue of texting while driving from the perspective of being illegal.
  20. The best and healthiest variation of the school lunch.
  21. Do schools have the right to ban unvaccinated students?
  22. Legal suicides from the perspective of ethics.
  23. Terminal diseases: should patients decide how they end their lives?
  24. Is there a way to prevent teenagers from smoking?
  25. Why do people keep eating chips even when they know it’s not healthy?

🗳️ Government Argumentative Essay Topics 2024

  1. Authorities and values: what moral obligations should people with power have? Power doesn’t mean permission to do anything they want. Political leaders are obligated to use it wisely. But what are the standards? Should it be just a common sense of morality or something more?
  2. Do our political leaders lead us in the right direction? Everybody must have wondered about it at least once. It is undoubtedly hard to trust our leaders without any doubts. They set the course of our lives. But how do we know whether they do it for the good of each and every citizen without exceptions?
  3. To raise or not to raise: the question of the minimum wage. Many people are struggling with finances, and the rise of the minimum wage would help them out. This research can focus on supporting this idea by presenting strong arguments.
  4. How achievable is the American dream when you start in the US from scratch? We all heard successful stories about the poor becoming millionaires in the US. But how far is it from reality? What are the real chances of people with low income to become self-made wealthy business owners?
  5. Global crisis: who is responsible for refugees? It’s not the refugees’ fault that wars have come to their home countries. Just like any other human being, they need our help. But who decides which country should take them? Who is responsible?
  6. American democracy: how strongly citizens believe in it?
  7. Politics becoming more friendly and outgoing: pros and cons.
  8. Are we paying back enough to the veterans?
  9. Why is the US considered to be the best country?
  10. Illegal immigrants and education: the rights and responsibilities.
  11. The new authorities: should the opposition still deny it or become open-minded?
  12. Immigrants with no documentation: what are the consequences of leaving them in peace?
  13. The importance of the first lady nowadays.
  14. Pay-offs: should we just pay terrorists to free the hostages?
  15. Why is the current voting system failing?
  16. Some of the most effective ways to encourage people to vote.
  17. The morality of spying on fellow countries.
  18. The most beneficial way to spend the city’s extra budget.
  19. Knowing the right time: negotiating with opponent countries.
  20. The most common issues city mayors should address immediately.
  21. In what situations the military is allowed to use force without doubts?
  22. How much taxes should millionaires pay?
  23. Why do governments prefer national safety over our privacy?
  24. Should all governments allow same-sex marriages?
  25. Young leaders: at what age should people start pursuing politics?

💡 Other Research Paper Topic Ideas

  1. Fallacies of Afrocentrism.
  2. Antisemitism in the world today.
  3. Controversy over children being made into models.
  4. Money is the root of all evil.
  5. Doping and sports: possible misunderstandings
  6. Extended breastfeeding: pros and cons.
  7. Do we have to talk about feminism that much?
  8. Food safety training and its outcomes.
  9. U.S. border control: the insights.
  10. Child advocacy: is it effective enough?
  11. DADT repeal and its importance.
  12. The minimum wage in your state.
  13. The impact of the Gold Rush on California’s native communities.
  14. Native American sovereignty issues.
  15. The Pledge of Allegiance: was adding “under God” in 1954 to it the right choice?
  16. The effectiveness of military action against terrorism.
  17. What isn’t worth going to war for?
  18. War tax: to pay or to resist?
  19. You’re allowed to be cast in pornographic movies when you’re 18. But it’s not OK for you to buy alcohol until you’re 21? Where’s the logic?
  20. Homelessness: whose fault is it?
  21. Premarital sex: is it a problem in American society?
  22. Tolerance for nudism and naturism.
  23. Video games: leisure, or abuse?
  24. What’s happening at the zoo? Animal abuse and problems of animals living in captivity.

Research paper writing is not the most complicated academic assignment; and still, it does take a lot of time! Our argumentative essay topic ideas are meant to save your time when you need to choose what to write about.

Also be sure to check out our great article with 50 more argumentative research paper topics – it has a lot of useful ideas for your next amazing essay.

🕵️‍♂️ Choosing an Argumentative Paper Topic

Writing a college argumentative research paper is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. In fact, the difficulties start right from the beginning—choosing the right topic. We may have handed you a great list of argumentative topics, but still it takes a careful eye to pick a topic to write about. If you choose the wrong topic, you might get stuck with your writing and have a hard time moving forward.

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Why is that?

There are several essential criteria to be considered when choosing easy topics to write on. And you will discover them right now.

Argumentative Essay: Writing Rules

Here are the basic rules:

  • Write about what you know. Although this may seem obvious to some students, you need to have some basic knowledge about the chosen topic. You probably already have some topics you are familiar with, so opting for one of them will save you time and effort. Even research won’t frighten you away because you will know where to start.
  • Find things that you’re passionate about and write about them. Essentially, this is a recommendation rather than a rule. The more you like your essay topic, the easier it will be to generate solid and engaging content that your audience will like.
  • Don’t choose anything too broad; stay specific. It’s okay to think of some general topics at first, but then you should gradually narrow your topics down to just a few. The last remaining ones will be the ones you feel most comfortable with.
  • Make sure your thesis has enough defense. Choosing a wonderful topic that is not protected against potential counterarguments is a common mistake among students. So think twice before making your final choice, and consider the evidence you have available.
  • Opt for an argument that will appeal to your audience’s emotions. By making your readers emotionally relate to your words and position, you’ll connect them with what you’re trying to express. You’ll certainly have to include rational arguments in your paper, but choosing a topic that doesn’t trigger any feeling isn’t the best choice.
  • Choose a topic that is directly related to your assignment. Before starting to research and write, you’ll need to get closely acquainted with your task instead of just scanning it. Carefully check all the keywords to understand the essence of the assignment. Missing even minor details or instructions can break your paper!
  • Stay away from topics that don’t have two sides of the problem. Don’t forget that an argumentative essay is all about the argument. No argument means no argumentative essay. Before you start writing, take some notes: write down your thesis and an opposing thesis or an argument with its counterargument. Thinking carefully and writing it all down will save you time!

📑 Organizing Your Argumentative Paper

Here we’ll explain how to organize your argumentative essay. Keep in mind that your paper structure still has to stay flexible to meet the needs of your purpose and your readers. Our recommendation? Create an argumentative essay outline to make the writing process faster and easier.


This part lays a solid foundation for your argumentative paper by providing answers to the reader’s questions:

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  • What is in front of me?
  • Why should I read it?
  • What do you want me to do?

Let’s see how these three questions can be answered in the basic steps for how to write an essay introduction:

  • Give some background information about the main idea and provide an explanation of the issue and the situation. Your reader should understand the topic, as well as your claims and their support.
  • Explain the importance of the main idea. This step will convince the reader to keep reading and really care about the content.
  • Describe your thesis/claim with logos, pathos, and ethos. Compose a few sentences that support your position with writer’s logic (logos), emotional appeals (pathos), and author’s trustworthiness/credibility (ethos).

Body paragraphs

Your argumentative essay should have body paragraphs that each look like an inverted pyramid: moving from general to specific. The broadest idea is located at the top, and as you continue writing, you become more concentrated on the main point, eventually coming to specific evidence to support your claim.

Good Argumentative Essay Paragraph

The following four elements are present in a good argumentative essay paragraph (also called TTEB):

  • A transition sentence assures smooth reading by leading from one paragraph to the next.
  • A topic sentence explains to the reader what will be discussed in a paragraph.
  • Specific evidence and analysis support your claim. They provide more detail than a topic sentence.
  • A brief wrap-up (or a warrant) explains to the reader why and in what way this information supports the thesis. Basically, it connects your evidence to your main argument. It also demonstrates how the paragraph is connected to your thesis and assists in defending it.


This part of your essay concludes the discussion in your paper. The conclusion is a generalization and restating of the argument’s main points. It may also include a call to action or suggest further research. Here’s what any conclusion should do:

  • Restate the topic.
  • Tell why the chosen topic is important.
  • Restate the specific thesis/claim.
  • Cover opposing points of view.
  • Make readers align with the writer’s position.
  • Call readers to action or propose further research.

These core elements are the critical final steps in writing an argumentative essay.

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Let Us Help You

Our advice is to discover more tips and ideas for choosing argumentative essay samples to know what exactly argumentative essays look like. You can also get professional help from qualified essay writers from Custom-Writing.org.

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✏️ Argumentative Research Paper FAQ

What is an argumentative research paper?

An argumentative research paper is a piece of writing you work on when you need to defend your position. You have an issue, and you have your point of view. All you need to do is to write an essay strong enough to persuade your opponents. There are specific writing steps, too.

What are some good argumentative research paper topics?

Some good argumentative research paper topics would always be related to the theme you feel passionate about. For example, if you think that every life is precious, consider writing about the death penalty. Or if you enjoy promoting a healthy lifestyle, you can write a persuasive statement on youth alcoholism.

What is a debatable question?

A debatable question is such a question that can encourage the start of a debate. Some people would support the issue, while others would disagree because they have doubts. It means that the opposition would try to persuade others. Mostly, such questions are related to moral issues, politics, and gender equality.

What are the most debated topics?

Today, the most debated topics are controversial and related to human rights, environmental issues, gender equality, as well as women’s rights. For instance, some people insist that climate change is not the most important problem now. Others would disagree and argue that we need to take action immediately to prevent the collapse of the ecosystem.

🔍 References

This article was developed by the editorial team of Custom-Writing.org, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.
Comments (16)


Research topic about TVL, please

Custom Writing
Custom Writing

John Paul, you can use our essay topic generator https://custom-writing.org/writing-tools/topic-generator or ask our experts here. Thanks!


The best one!

Julia Reed
Julia Reed

Thanks for such kind words 🙂 Be sure to come back for more helpful posts!

emma hopkins
emma hopkins

Hi guys, I’m stuck in the mind of blankness. I have to do a term paper by Monday on Corporate social responsibilities on Shell Corrib Gas and can’t think off my heading or argument. I have a lot of information. Just don’t know where to begin. Please help 🙁

Custom Writing
Custom Writing

Hi Emma,
We’d be happy to help you. You’re welcome to place an order with our writing service and we’ll find the most experienced expert for you. Looking forward to serve your needs.


Thank you so much for providing these topics! I have been searching and searching for topics for the English course, which I will be taking for the third time! I am most definitely sure that one of these topics will be suitable! I appreciate it very much! Again, thank you!


:)This is so helpful! I will use this again for sure.


Oh my God, I was searching for all of these. Thank you so… must. Best argumentative topics!

Custom Writing
Custom Writing

Thank you for your feedback, Katherine! 🙂 We’re glad to be useful:)

Maciann Benfer
Maciann Benfer

What about the rainforest? I know people have arguments about the trees getting cut down. Why don’t kids have a say in this all too?

Custom Writing
Custom Writing

Well, you certainly can use that topic – as long as you feel the most comfortable and confident about it. It’s essential to be able to prove your point of view. The ideas which we are offering are just suggestions for possible topics:) We wish you good luck with your argumentative research paper:)

Ian Collins
Ian Collins

This is amazing! Thank you very much for this list of topics!

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