College & Career - Knowledge Base

Experiential Learning: Methods & Benefits

Experiential Learning: Methods & Benefits

Disclaimer: Since we are true proponents of experiential learning, our introduction starts with an example, and the theory will come later. Pretty much everyone likes a chamomile plant. If you are one of the few who don’t, feel free to think of any other plant while you consider these two...

6 Productivity-Boosting Japanese Techniques

6 Productivity-Boosting Japanese Techniques

Do you ever find yourself procrastinating, struggling to stay motivated and pursue your goals? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, what we know as laziness, it is often a fear of failure, the pressure of high expectations, or a simple need for relaxation. These issues are so common today...

What Is Academic Probation? Definition, Prerequisites, & How to Deal with It

What Is Academic Probation? Definition, Prerequisites, & How to Deal with It

Academic probation is a period of academic evaluation where a student’s performance falls below the expected educational standard. Going through academic probation is not the apocalypse, even though it may initially feel like it. Academic probation serves as a wake-up call, prompting us to reevaluate our approach to studying and...

Transformative Learning Theory: Importance, Examples, and Benefits

Transformative Learning Theory: Importance, Examples, and Benefits

Did you know that top smartphone manufacturers continue to make those seemingly outdated push-button cell phones? They’re often dubbed ‘granny phones.’ While we strive to combat ageism in society, it persists. Individuals in their later years often resist changing their customary practices. But does our brain truly diminish with age,...

Using Learning Styles to Your Advantage: the Complete Guide

Using Learning Styles to Your Advantage: the Complete Guide

Learning styles are one of the most debatable concepts in American education. They represent a pillar that supports the educational industry. Moreover: Many teachers and caregivers believe that learning styles are inborn and define how successful the child will be in their future career and personal life. What’s the use...

Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples

Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples

Non scholae sed vitae discimus – We don’t learn for school, but for life While for some people, lifelong learning is a buzzword from yet another New York Times bestseller, for others, it is a lifestyle. Learning throughout life means continuously seeking knowledge and expanding your horizons, regardless of your...

Investing for College Students – 2024 Guide & Tips

Investing for College Students – 2024 Guide & Tips

You might think it’s impossible to invest as a student. When we’re young, we have lots of time and not much money. As we get older, we often have more money and responsibilities and less time. But thanks to modern technologies, investing in 2024 is multifaceted and more accessible. You...

Culturally Responsive Education: 15 Strategies & Ways to Practice CRE

Culturally Responsive Education: 15 Strategies & Ways to Practice CRE

Students in today’s classrooms reflect a vibrant tapestry of ethnic backgrounds and cultural identities. It’s no surprise: in recent years, racial diversity in US public schools has increased dramatically. According to research led by the National Center for Education Statistics, more than half of all students are representatives of ethnic...

How to Organize a Successful Study Group [GUIDE]

How to Organize a Successful Study Group [GUIDE]

Are you looking for effective ways to retain information? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, many students find that traditional learning methods, such as lectures and textbooks, aren’t enough to help them actually remember new facts and concepts. But did you know that discussing topics and teaching others can...

The Scaffolding Technique in Education: Benefits & Examples [Is It Really Useful?]

The Scaffolding Technique in Education: Benefits & Examples [Is It Really Useful?]

The role of a teacher in education has changed drastically with the popularization of online courses, study apps, YouTube videos, and other free tools. Some people mistakenly think they don’t need guidance since there are so many opportunities for self-study. However, recent research on teachers’ involvement in learning proves that...

The Complete Guide for High Achievers

The Complete Guide for High Achievers

Do you know someone who never seems to sit still? Someone who’s always busy, eager to start new tasks, and reach new heights? Maybe you even fit this description yourself? In any case, we call such individuals high achievers. These people are willing to go the extra mile to achieve...

Student Activism 101: How to Find Your Cause & Get Started

Student Activism 101: How to Find Your Cause & Get Started

Today, the voices of student activists are ringing louder than ever before, challenging the status quo and demanding a brighter future for all. Some think it’s a new trend, but this is not true. Student activism has been a mainstay of college life ever since the emergence of the first...

Eagerness to Learn 101: How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Study

Eagerness to Learn 101: How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Study

Every year, around one-third of students (33%) drop out of college. Some of them can’t afford the tuition anymore; others lose their motivation to study and leave college searching for better opportunities. Is it always a good decision to leave college? Everybody’s circumstances are different. However, there is a direct...

Word Processors Through Time: Before MS Word & Google Docs

Word Processors Through Time: Before MS Word & Google Docs

People transferred messages to others and preserved their thoughts long before computers, word processors, and typewriters were invented. Yet, if we’d want to discuss everything an individual used as a writing device, we’d have to travel back to prehistoric times. Even ignoring cave paintings created with rocks or charcoal, our...

Homework 101: The Ultimate Guide for Students & Parents

Homework 101: The Ultimate Guide for Students & Parents

Why do good people have to do unpleasant things? You surely have asked yourself this question a million times while slouching over a school assignment. Did you know that 56% of students find homework the most stressful aspect of education? It comes as no surprise: lack of motivation, spending too...

How to Learn the Periodic Table: Best Tips & Techniques

How to Learn the Periodic Table: Best Tips & Techniques

For most people, memorizing large chunks of information is not easy. It requires the right strategies to help our brain process and remember them effectively. If you’re a chemistry student, you need to work with the periodic table often, and learning all the elements in order can be a challenge. ...

Communication Essentials for Career Development & Everyday Life

Communication Essentials for Career Development & Everyday Life

Communication is an essential part of our day-to-day lives. It helps us connect with people, offer our opinions, and share our thoughts and feelings. Developing communication skills is the key to success, both personally and professionally. After all, we all speak at least 7000 words per day! So, why not...

How to Deal with FOMO in College [+Turn It into JOMO]

How to Deal with FOMO in College [+Turn It into JOMO]

Partying with your friends, checking out an art gallery, watching the latest episode of a new show—what do these things have in common? They are activities you probably don’t want to miss out on. If thinking about not doing these things makes you uncomfortable, you may be experiencing FOMO: the...

How Long Is an Essay? The Ultimate Essay Length Guide

How Long Is an Essay? The Ultimate Essay Length Guide

It’s safe to say that most students struggle with the word limit within an essay. Sometimes, it’s hard to find ideas for a text and meet the word requirement for every part of the paper. With so many factors influencing essay length, it’s easy to get confused. Luckily, our custom-writing...

How to Get Perfect Letters of Recommendation for College [Guide]

How to Get Perfect Letters of Recommendation for College [Guide]

Do you dream of being successfully admitted to college? Well, you probably know that admission is a long process that includes many challenging steps. One of them is a recommendation letter: a document written on your behalf that describes your characteristics as a student. If done well, such a letter...

Building a Job-Winning Resume

Building a Job-Winning Resume

Almost everyone feels insecure when they start working on their first resume. Suddenly there are lots of questions that need to be answered. What should I write? How should I write it? What should I include in my resume to make it more appealing? If you’re looking for answers to...

How to Search the Web Effectively [For Students]

How to Search the Web Effectively [For Students]

What’s the first thing we do when facing the unknown? We Google it, of course! Google is fundamental to our experience of the Internet. According to the statistics, more than 100 000 people press “search” on Google every second! At first glance, the process is straightforward. You type in what...

Top 25 Gadgets You Need to Study Smarter [from $20]

Top 25 Gadgets You Need to Study Smarter [from $20]

Ever heard of a smart egg tray? Welcome to 2024! Today, there are gadgets for everything, and the variety of intelligent devices available increases every day. Some of them can improve your life. Others seem a bit useless. Will a smart egg tray actually add value to your life, or...

24 Tips for Dorm Living

24 Tips for Dorm Living

Dorms become like a second home to many students during their university experience. And while dorm life can mean making new friends and having exciting adventures, adjusting to new routines is not always easy. Since most students who come to the dorms have no prior experience living outside their parents’...

Fact-Checking Your Writing: Tips & Helpful Websites

Fact-Checking Your Writing: Tips & Helpful Websites

Imagine you’ve just written a paper. You’re going to proofread it, right? But is proofreading enough to ensure the absence of any factual errors or unfounded conclusions? Can you say with 100% certainty that you cited every reference correctly? If you want to learn how to fact-check like a pro,...

Everything You Need to Know about College Rankings

Everything You Need to Know about College Rankings

Every year, millions of U.S. students decide which university they want to attend. Around 20% of students rely on college rankings to make their final decision. Over the last two decades, such rankings have significantly grown in popularity. But are these lists reliable? Which criteria can be trusted? And which...

Why Developing a Growth Mindset is Vital to Your Academic Success

Why Developing a Growth Mindset is Vital to Your Academic Success

Have you ever seen someone else’s success and thought to yourself: “Why can’t I do the same?” What was your thought process like? Perhaps you believed you lacked some innate quality. Or did you think you could have achieved the same thing if you had put in enough effort? The difference in these attitudes is defined by two distinct mindsets—growth or fixed. You will read…

7 Affordable Hobbies You Can Monetize

7 Affordable Hobbies You Can Monetize

Are you interested in having a side hustle? If you have a hobby you are passionate about, look no further. A hobby-based side hustle is a great way to spend time doing something you love, a great source of income, and a way to boost your resume! In this article by, you will find: a list of 7 inexpensive hobbies available to anyone; ways…

Online Degrees: Ultimate List & Tips for Studying

Online Degrees: Ultimate List & Tips for Studying

In 2024, online education remains one of the most searched terms. Not only can you undertake short courses, but it is now commonplace to get Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees online. Is this the right fit for you? Keep reading to find out! In this article, our custom writing team will:...

Becoming a Volunteer: Diverse Benefits of Volunteering

Becoming a Volunteer: Diverse Benefits of Volunteering

What is the number one reason for becoming a volunteer? You may already know that charitable organizations help people in need and allow everyone to make a difference. However, there are some material benefits as well. Volunteer experience can boost your career prospects: it increases your chances of getting into...

Crossword Puzzles in Learning: Role, History, & 29 Resources

Crossword Puzzles in Learning: Role, History, & 29 Resources

Are you excited about grammar? Have you ever read the dictionary for fun? Do you become enthralled by your textbooks? Whether you are a language nerd or not, crossword puzzles are here to help. In this article, you will find dozens of exciting puzzle resources to support your learning. You...

Inclusive Recruitment: 9 Practices + Infographic

Inclusive Recruitment: 9 Practices + Infographic

In the last couple of years, it has become evident that providing equal opportunities to people from minority and marginalized groups is of the utmost importance. Prioritizing minority groups not only contributes to society at large but also helps to improve companies. While the advantages of embracing diversity in a...

18 Cheat Sheets to Master Microsoft Office [Students Edition]

18 Cheat Sheets to Master Microsoft Office [Students Edition]

The rapid development of information and communication technology over the last few years has affected most, if not all, areas of our lives. Its influence is particularly apparent in the education sector. Students today usually don’t visit libraries to conduct their research or write essays by hand. Pens and papers...

Changing Career Paths after Graduation… or Later [Guide + Infographic]

Changing Career Paths after Graduation… or Later [Guide + Infographic]

Let’s start with a liberating thought: it’s perfectly fine to change your career at any age. The blog you are reading right now was created by a group of people from many different fields. Each of us is a professional who works for a common cause – this blog. However,...

Being a Successful Online Student: 6 Must-Have Skills [Infographic]

Being a Successful Online Student: 6 Must-Have Skills [Infographic]

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the educational system forever. Millions of students all over the world were forced to switch to online learning. And the latter has a lot of advantages over the traditional format of study. Experts think that such a shift will have long-term consequences. The educational market...

Perks of Being a Student: The Free Facilities Your College Offers

Perks of Being a Student: The Free Facilities Your College Offers

You are so lucky to be a student! Even if you might not think so, give it time. You’ll get there. Your student years are probably some of the most interesting of your life. You meet so many people, learn something new every day, and have so many fun opportunities....

Meeting Deadlines: A Comprehensive Guide [Tips & Infographic]

Meeting Deadlines: A Comprehensive Guide [Tips & Infographic]

There are countless articles online that teach you how to meet deadlines. However, most of them only provide general strategies. In this article, we’ll focus on the root of the problem instead of the minor issues. We’ve prepared a complete guide to turning your assignments in on time and meeting...

Getting the Most out of Career Fairs [The Complete Guide]

Getting the Most out of Career Fairs [The Complete Guide]

One of the biggest problems for any student is not knowing what to do after they leave college. Career fairs are the best way to overcome this obstacle. They provide the opportunity to train your business and interpersonal skills, and also showcase both your strengths and weaknesses. This article by...

PTE Writing: Summary & Essay Tips

PTE Writing: Summary & Essay Tips

It’s already decided that you go with the PTE exam, and you need to start getting ready. Don’t know what to begin with? There are four parts of the test that check different skills: Reading Writing Listening Speaking Ideally, it would help if you practiced all of them regularly. However,...

How to Prepare for PTE: Best Strategies

How to Prepare for PTE: Best Strategies

Imagine you have a month to get ready for your PTE English exam. Moreover, you have no time or money to attend any PTE preparation courses. Is it still possible to use this last month wisely? This Custom-Writing article offers you a well-thought strategy to make the most out of...

Speaking & Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT

Speaking & Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT

The TOEFL iBT assesses a taker’s ability to use and understand English at the university level. It focuses on and evaluates listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in an academic context. Passing the TOEFL iBT test is not an easy task. If you plan to take the test, it is...

How to Prepare for TOEFL in 10 Days: The Complete Guide

How to Prepare for TOEFL in 10 Days: The Complete Guide

As soon as you decide to do something (for instance, take a TOEFL test), you set a specific deadline which you swear to keep up with. However, days pass and turn into weeks while you haven’t even started doing anything. Sounds familiar? Don’t worry. You are not the only one....

PTE Exam Format: Listening, Speaking, Writing & Reading

PTE Exam Format: Listening, Speaking, Writing & Reading

If you are planning on going abroad for a specific purpose like studying or working, you will need to pass some kind of English language test. It is especially relevant for those looking into colleges in English-speaking countries. PTE exam is one of the best choices: It was designed for...

IELTS Preparation: Books & Resources

IELTS Preparation: Books & Resources

Are you about to start your IELTS preparation? Don’t know which resources to choose? Read the following article, and you will find out how to prepare effectively. It includes: A list of valuable and trustworthy IELTS books;Top 3 websites and best IELTS preparation apps for you to practice anywhere and...

How to Prepare for IELTS at Home for Free

How to Prepare for IELTS at Home for Free

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. Simply put, it’s an exam that measures your English language proficiency. You’ll need it if you want to move to an Anglophone country. The exam is owned by the British Council, IDP Australia, and the University of Cambridge. You may think it’s...

IELTS: Academic vs. General: Preparation Tips

IELTS: Academic vs. General: Preparation Tips

So, you are going to take IELTS. But, have you chosen which one of them to take? There are, in fact, two types of IELTS: Academic and General Training. They differ in structure and some other aspects. The choice is all about your goals. Want to study abroad? IELTS Academic...

IELTS: Tips & Tricks for Taking the Test

IELTS: Tips & Tricks for Taking the Test

This article is your ultimate guide to taking the IELTS test. Here you will find many helpful IELTS tips and tricks on how to do well in this exam. It is worth mentioning that listening and speaking sections are the same for the Academic and General Training tests, while reading...

PTE vs. IELTS vs. TOEFL: Which Test to Take?

PTE vs. IELTS vs. TOEFL: Which Test to Take?

Do you want to live or study in an English-speaking country, but English is not your first language? You most likely need to pass a proficiency test. It aims to assess your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Which test to take? That’s a good question. It all depends on...

Emotional Intelligence for Students: Why Is It Important & How to Improve It?

Emotional Intelligence for Students: Why Is It Important & How to Improve It?

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and work with our own emotions and the emotions of other people. Scholars have shown that developed emotional intelligence helps students perform better in their studies. This infographic contains information on EI, its key domains, skills, and characteristics, as well as some awesome...