Punctuation Guides ApostrophePunctuation Guide: When to Use an ApostropheContractionsThe apostrophe for pluralsThe apostrophe after last namesThe possessive apostropheThe apostrophe after -sThe apostrophe after –xPlural possessivesFurther studyColonPunctuation Guide: When to Use a ColonBetween two clausesThe colon before a listThe colon before quotesColon grammar rules to make an emphasisDo you capitalize after a colon?Further studyCommaPunctuation Guide: When to Use a CommaHow to use commas in a listHow to use commas with quotesUse of commas in numbersGrammar rules for dates and commasWhen to use commas before and after names?How to place commas in sentencesCommas with interruptersCommas with adjectivesFAQ: When to use a commaFurther studyExclamation pointPunctuation Guide: Where to Use an Exclamation PointExclamatory sentencesDialogExclamatory remarksThree exclamation marksFurther studyQuestion markPunctuation Guide: When to Use Question MarksAsking a questionQuestion within a sentenceHow to quote a questionEditorial commentExclamation question markInverted question markFurther studyQuotation marksPunctuation Guide: Double and Single QuotesDirect quotationsInterrupted direct quotationsQuote within a quoteDouble quotation marks vs single quotation marksA period after or before a quotation?Unnecessary quotation marksFurther studySemicolonPunctuation Guide: When to Use a SemicolonWhat is the difference between a semicolon and a colon?How to use a semicolon instead of a conjunctionSemicolon use before a transitionLists with commasElliptical constructionsDo you capitalize after a semicolon?Further study Further study Revising and Editing Checklists 50-Point Essay Checklist Common Mistakes in Essay Writing Effective Writing Strategies How to Control Words per Page Basic Writing Rules 200 Words to Use Instead of “Good” List of Credible Sources