Tips & Tricks - Knowledge Base

How to Make and Study Flashcards – The Best Study Hacks to Know

How to Make and Study Flashcards – The Best Study Hacks to Know

Have you tried flashcards for your college or high school subjects yet? You definitely should give it a go! Flashcards are a studying tool that makes the memorizing process easier. Flashcards are generally pieces of paper with information on one or both sides. Usually, there is a term or question...

Bullet Journal for Students: Guide, Tips & Ideas

Bullet Journal for Students: Guide, Tips & Ideas

Is your life hectic? Do you occasionally miss school deadlines? Feel lost when it comes to organizing your studies and scheduling your time? Can’t seem to find the perfect balance between academic demands and your personal life? What if we tell you that we have the solution to all of...

Negotiation Skills Explained: Tips & Success Strategies

Negotiation Skills Explained: Tips & Success Strategies

The ability to negotiate is an essential skill for everyone. We make deals all the time ̶ at work, at the market, with our neighbors, and even with family members. So what are the basic rules, secret tactics, and success strategies that never fail? Check out our infographics to get...

Staying Safe Online: 6 Threats, 9 Tips, & 1 Infographic

Staying Safe Online: 6 Threats, 9 Tips, & 1 Infographic

Before the current pandemic, we used the Internet to do a lot of things. Now, however, with everyone confined to their homes, we have been doing almost everything online. We’re not only talking about shopping. People from all around the world can connect via video calls. They can even work...

How to Handle Criticism in College: 10 Useful Tips

How to Handle Criticism in College: 10 Useful Tips

How do you deal with criticism? The first reaction many of us have is to defend ourselves, or worse, fight back. We can feel offended, seeing negative feedback as a dismissal of our work. Yet, while criticism can feel hurtful and demoralizing, it can also be viewed in a positive...

Studying during Holidays: Productive Winter Break 2024

Studying during Holidays: Productive Winter Break 2024

The winter holidays are a much-anticipated break for everyone, particularly for school and college students. It’s an opportunity to get some much-needed rest and refresh their minds. Afterward, students can get back to class, full of strength and inspiration. While relaxation is essential during this period, it is also possible...

Email Etiquette for Students

Email Etiquette for Students

When you participate in face-to-face communication, your appearance, tone of voice, and word choice determine the impression you make. In the era of globalization, the internet allows us to contact people we have never seen and might never meet. This online interaction can impact our lives even more than our...

How to Improve the Creative Process: 6 Techniques to Succeed

How to Improve the Creative Process: 6 Techniques to Succeed

Creativity makes our world a better place. How do you think significant discoveries were made? How do evolutionary ideas or even just new approaches appear? They all rely on the creative process as much as on problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Creativity pushes humanity forward. It helps the gears of...

How to Stop Procrastinating in College: 10 Effective Tips

How to Stop Procrastinating in College: 10 Effective Tips

Have you ever felt that a lifetime will not suffice to get all your assignments done? Like with millions of other students, it made you feel depressed and helpless. Your will power and self-control shrank, and each next hour of procrastination made the result more unattainable. What was the only...

11 Basic Writing Rules – Common Mistakes & Fixes [2024 Upd.]

11 Basic Writing Rules – Common Mistakes & Fixes [2024 Upd.]

Getting your message across may seem a bit harder online than in real life. Though, a whole lot of methods, including audio tracks, videos, animations, and other visuals, are available for you at any second. And let’s not forget about good ol’ text. So, what do you do to win...

How to Improve Your Test-Taking Skills: Top Tips & Strategies

How to Improve Your Test-Taking Skills: Top Tips & Strategies

Are you dreading your upcoming test because you feel unprepared? Or are you simply looking to refresh and improve your test-taking skills? In this article by experts, you’ll find a collection of excellent test-taking tips and strategies. Even if you only have one day to prepare for your test,...

Bloom’s Taxonomy 2024: Chart and How to Use It

Bloom’s Taxonomy 2024: Chart and How to Use It

Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of hierarchical models that classify educational learning objectives. It divides them into levels that differ in their specificity and complexity. Students use it for better learning and understanding of a subject, while tutors incorporate it into teaching. As a result:This article will give you a...

46 Bloom’s Taxonomy Apps for Your Critical Thinking

46 Bloom’s Taxonomy Apps for Your Critical Thinking

Bloom’s taxonomy is a highly efficient educational system that helps to set and reach learning objectives. But how do you make it even more effective? Use apps! Modern technology gives us plenty of opportunities, so why not take advantage of it? Here, at, we’ve selected 46 apps that can...

How to Study with ADHD (ADD): Tips for University & School

How to Study with ADHD (ADD): Tips for University & School

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the problem of millions of children and their parents worldwide. Fewer children keep symptoms when they become adults. But smaller numbers do not mean the absence of the problem. These people are inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or both. The subtypes of the disease are respectively called ADD,...

English Phonetic System & International Phonetic Alphabet

English Phonetic System & International Phonetic Alphabet

A branch of linguistics that studies all human sounds is called phonetics. It analyses the production (articulation), transmission (sound), and perception (hearing) of sounds. The phonetic system of a language represents the way people use sounds in their speech. A language’s phonology classifies these sounds into vowels and consonants, long...

9 Tips for Public Speaking + Exercises & Key Principles

9 Tips for Public Speaking + Exercises & Key Principles

Public speaking and video recordings can cause panic for the most level-headed people. For some reason, a crowd of listeners in front of us makes our tongue refuse to move, our throat stops to make sounds, and our brain fails to generate ideas. Meanwhile, public speaking is much easier than...

What are the Benefits of Learning a Second Language: Statistics & Facts

What are the Benefits of Learning a Second Language: Statistics & Facts

It is hard to underestimate the cognitive effect of learning a 2nd language. Polyglots claim that each following language acquisition comes easier. It shows that we can train our ability to learn. Children who learn a second language at an early age are more creative and mentally flexible. This article...

What Is the Best Custom Essay Writing Service & How to Find It

What Is the Best Custom Essay Writing Service & How to Find It

We are all so different. Our needs in sleep and rest variate, and our financial situations aggravate this difference. But the educational program is one for all. Regardless if you are pursuing your Ph.D. or struggling with first-year college assignments, it can happen. You get depressed and overwhelmed with the...

35 Effective Writing Strategies for College Level

35 Effective Writing Strategies for College Level

Graduating from high school and entering college, you may feel intimidated by the upcoming courses. As you wait for the first essay or another writing task, you might feel completely overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are plenty of effective writing strategies to help you get through your homework in one piece. And...

How to Increase IQ: 10 Tips to Boost Your Intelligence!

How to Increase IQ: 10 Tips to Boost Your Intelligence!

As a student, you might be wondering how to increase your IQ and boost your academic success. After all, students with a high IQ level are really lucky, right? They can study easily, sail through exams, build a successful career, and end up with a very high salary. All in...

The New York Times Guide to Article Writing and 8 Useful Tips

The New York Times Guide to Article Writing and 8 Useful Tips

To the uninitiated, journalistic writing may appear intimidating at first. Even if you’ve done other kinds of writing before, chances are you’re feeling the pressure to “deliver.” Because unlike essays and research papers that have a guaranteed invested audience (your teacher), articles have the additional task of gaining and keeping...

Proofreading, Revising, & Editing Checklists for Self- & Peer Editing

Proofreading, Revising, & Editing Checklists for Self- & Peer Editing

Nobody likes this part of the writing process. It seems that the assignment is complete, and you can do something else, but no. If the text quality is low, editing can take you as much time as the writing. Most high school and college students do not know that editing...

50-Point Essay Checklist: How to Write an A+ Essay

50-Point Essay Checklist: How to Write an A+ Essay

Essay writing can be manageable if you take a strategic approach to the process. Yet it still requires your close attention. The variety of requirements, including the format intricacies and language peculiarities, can make your head spin. It’s easier to forget something than not. However: This will never be the...

How to Stay Awake in Class without Moving: 13 Tricks

How to Stay Awake in Class without Moving: 13 Tricks

Every student knows that a boring lecture can be the best sleeping pill ever – especially when you are tired. You might start blinking slowly, and then the lecturer’s words will seem so far away and without any meaning, sounding like a sweet lullaby. Students beware: avoid classroom naps! They...

10 Great Descriptive Writing Exercises & Activities

10 Great Descriptive Writing Exercises & Activities

Descriptive writing is the equivalent of drawing with words instead of lines and colors. You need to create vivid pictures, using only your words and memory or imagination. Your goal is to make your readers see, hear, taste, smell, and feel what you want to say. How can you start...

Words per Page: How to Count & Control

Words per Page: How to Count & Control

A couple of centuries ago, writers received their salaries at a fixed rate for a line or a word. It took them hours to count how much they had written. To facilitate the counting process, teachers used to give assignments in the number of pages, not words. Nowadays, any text...

Persuasive Speech Outline: The Recipe for a Successful Outcome

Persuasive Speech Outline: The Recipe for a Successful Outcome

If you never gave a persuasive speech before a large audience, you probably want to know how this task can be approached. First and foremost, you need to construct a good persuasive speech outline that will be the cornerstone of your success. There are several ways in which you can...