Online Hypothesis Generator

Add the required information into the fields below to build a list of well-formulated hypotheses.

Indicate here if your research obect is getting better (positive) or worse (negative)
Add here your experimental group. It will be the subject in the generated sentence.
Add here your predicate and object (i.e., what can be said about the experimental group, what it does). You should start with a verb that correlates with your subject.
Add here your dependent variable (the thing that is affected by the predicate and that you are measuring).
Add here the control group and its variable if necessary.
Research hypothesis result
  1. If patients follow medical prescriptions, then their condition will improve.
  2. If patients follow medical prescriptions, then their condition will show better results.
  3. If patients follow medical prescriptions, then their condition will show better results than those who do not follow medical prescriptions.
  • H0 (null hypothesis) - Attending most lectures by first-year students has no effect on their exam scores.
  • H1 (alternative hypothesis) - Attending most lectures by first-year students has a positive effect on their exam scores.

* Hint - choose either null or alternative hypothesis

⭐️ Hypothesis Creator: the Benefits

🧑‍🎓️ Designed for students This research hypothesis generator was made for students.
💫 Intuitive Follow the prompts and look at the examples if needed.
🆓 No cost needed You won’t need to pay anything or sign up with this tool.
🕹 Tunable It will generate a hypothesis according to your requirements.

🔎 Hypothesis Generator: How to Use It?

The generation of a workable hypothesis is not an easy task for many students. You need to research widely, understand the gaps in your study area, and comprehend the method of hypothesis formulation to the dot. Lucky for you, we have a handy hypothesis generator that takes hours of tedious work out of your study process.

To use our hypothesis generator, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Indicate your experimental group (people, phenomena, event)
  2. Stipulate what it does
  3. Add the effect that the subject’s activities produce
  4. Specify the comparison group

Once you put all this data into our online hypothesis generator, click on the “Generate hypothesis” tab and enjoy instant results. The tool will come up with a well-formulated hypothesis in seconds.

🤔 What Is a Research Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a claim or statement you make about the assumed relationship between the dependent and independent variables you're planning to test. It is formulated at the beginning of your study to show the direction you will take in the analysis of your subject of interest.

The hypothesis works in tandem with your research purpose and research question, delineating your entire perspective.

For example, if you focus on the quality of palliative care in the USA, your perspective may be as follows.

Research purpose To study the perceived quality of palliative care in the USA, comparing private and public providers.
Research question Is the perceived quality of palliative care in the USA better at private institutions than public agencies?
Research hypothesis The perceived quality of palliative care in private centers is better than in public agencies.

This way, your hypothesis serves as a tentative answer to your research question, which you aim to prove or disprove with scientific data, statistics, and analysis.

Hypothesis Types

In most scholarly studies, you’ll be required to write hypotheses in pairs – as a null and alternative hypothesis:

  • The alternative hypothesis assumes a statistically significant relationship between the identified variables. Thus, if you find that relationship in the analysis process, you can consider the alternative hypothesis proven.
  • A null hypothesis is the opposite; it assumes that there is no relationship between the variables. Thus, if you find no statistically significant association, the null hypothesis is considered proven.
The picture lists four types of research hypothesis

A handy example is as follows:

You are researching the impact of sugar intake on child obesity. So, based on your data, you can either find that the number of sugar spoons a day directly impacts obesity or that the sugar intake is not associated with obesity in your sample. The hypotheses for this study would be as follows:


There is a relationship between the number of sugar spoons consumed daily and obesity in U.S. preschoolers.


There is no relationship between the number of sugar spoons consumed daily and obesity in U.S. preschoolers.

Besides, hypotheses can be directional and non-directional by type:

  • A directional hypothesis assumes a cause-and-effect relationship between variables, clearly designating the assumed difference in study groups or parameters.
  • A non-directional hypothesis, in turn, only assumes a relationship or difference without a clear estimate of its direction.


Students in high school and college perform differently on critical thinking tests.


College students perform better on critical thinking tests that high-school students.

👣 How to Make a Hypothesis in Research

Now let’s cover the algorithm of hypothesis generation to make this process simple and manageable for you.

The picture lists the steps necessary to generate a research hypothesis.

Step #1: Formulate Your Research Question

The first step is to create a research question. Study the topic of interest and clarify what aspect you're fascinated about, wishing to learn more about the hidden connections, effects, and relationships.

Step #2: Research the Topic

Next, you should conduct some research to test your assumption and see whether there’s enough published evidence to back up your point. You should find credible sources that discuss the concepts you’ve singled out for the study and delineate a relationship between them. Once you identify a reasonable body of research, it’s time to go on.

Step #3: Make an Assumption

With some scholarly data, you should now be better positioned to make a researchable assumption.

For instance, if you find out that many scholars associate heavy social media use with a feeling of loneliness, you can hypothesize that the hours spent on social networks will directly correlate with perceived loneliness intensity.

Step #4: Improve Your Hypothesis

Now that you have a hypothesis, it’s time to refine it by adding context and population specifics. Who will you study? What social network will you focus on? In this example, you can focus on the student sample’s use of Instagram.

Step #5: Try Different Phrasing

The final step is the proper presentation of your hypothesis. You can try several variants, focusing on the variables, correlations, or groups you compare.

For instance, you can say that students spending 3+ hours on Instagram every day are lonelier than their peers. Otherwise, you can hypothesize that heavy social media use leads to elevated feelings of loneliness.

👀 Null Hypothesis Examples

If you’re unsure about how to generate great hypotheses, get some inspiration from the list of examples formulated by our writing pros.

❓ Research Question ✅ Hypothesis 🚫 Null Hypothesis
Does frequent video gaming increase the risk of anxiety disorder in children? Frequent video gaming increases the risk of anxiety disorder in children. Frequent video gaming doesn’t increase the risk of anxiety disorder in children.
What are the primary causes of multiple sclerosis development? Environmental factors are the primary causes of multiple sclerosis. Environmental factors are only secondary causes of multiple sclerosis.
What effect does school uniform play on a schooler's self-esteem? School uniform wearing improves the self-esteem of students. School uniform wearing doesn't improve the self-esteem of students.
How effective is homework in primary school? Homework assignments improve primary school students’ performance. Homework assignments don’t improve primary school students’ performance.
Can emotional intelligence classes improve students’ psychological well-being? Emotional intelligence classes improve students’ psychological well-being. Emotional intelligence classes don’t improve students’ psychological well-being.

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❓ Hypothesis Generator FAQ

A hypothesis in an essay or a larger research assignment is your claim or prediction of the relationship you assume between the identified dependent and independent variables. You share an assumption that you’re going to test with research and data analysis in the later sections of your paper.

The first step to formulating a good hypothesis is to ask a question about your subject of interest and understand what effects it may experience from external sources or how it changes over time. You can identify differences between groups and inquire into the nature of those distinctions. In any way, you need to voice some assumption that you’ll further test with data; that assumption will be your hypothesis for a study.

You need to formulate a null and alternative hypothesis if you plan to test some relationship between variables with statistical instruments. For example, you might compare a group of students on an emotional intelligence scale to determine whether first-year students are less emotionally competent than graduates. In this case, your alternative hypothesis would state that they are, and a null hypothesis would say that there is no difference between student groups.

A null hypothesis assumes that there is no difference between groups or that the dependent variables don't have any sizable impact on the independent variable. If your null hypothesis gets rejected, it means that your alternative hypothesis has been proved, showing that there is a tangible difference or relationship between your variables.

🔗 References