Journal Summarizer

As a student, researcher, or a mere responsible employee, you have to read an enormous amount of journals related to your field. Thinking you're immune to this problem? And what if you get a hobby that gets explained in magazines? Or you may need specific info that can be found solely in newspapers? That's when you'll have to look through quite a few publications. We have created this journal summary generator to facilitate this task for you.

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To summarize a journal online, you won't be required to do anything but to provide a full text of the periodical you're interested in. Our tool will automatically cut it down to the size you need on the same web page without transferring any data to third parties. Plus, you won't have to sign up anywhere or pay for the tool to work.

Our team has explored what types of publications our journal summarizer can shorten without losing any essential info. You will also find out how to undertake this work yourself.

⭐️ Journal Summary Generator: the Benefits

🎓 Made for students This journal summarizer is designed for educational purposes.
🆓 No hidden payments Enjoy the full functionality of this summary generator for free.
🧚 Intuitive Follow the prompts to generate a journal summary online.
🕹 Tunable Choose the desired length of your summary.

️❓ Journal Summarizer: What Does It Work With?

To get a journal summary online, you first need to start by looking for an instrument that will help you do that. Regular automatic software can handle non-academic texts. Yet, you might encounter some challenges if it comes to scientific articles or any unconventional publications. Here, we have listed what papers our journal summary generator can cut down.

Types of journals our tool summarizes

There are four types of journals our tool can summarize without an issue.

  1. Scholarly Journals. The purpose of scholarly journals is to present original research and advance some ongoing studies. They are comprised of academic works by professionals in their respective fields. Such journals are well-respected, each one focuses on a specific discipline. American Economic Review might be a good example. Articles in scholarly journals are usually peer-reviewed before publication. You can find them in libraries or subscription-based databases (not free to the general public).
  2. Newspapers. Newspaper articles aim to cover news periodically, displaying current events in different areas like politics, sports, business, religion, etc. You can find daily, weekly, fortnightly, and even monthly press. Such publications can cover everything from what’s happening in one community to global news. There are no peer reviews, though articles can be edited by various people. Some of the examples of the newspapers are Morning Bulletin, The New York Times, and The Guardian.
  3. Trade journals. The main goal of trade journals is to inform and report on industry trends, new products, and tools. They are created for people involved in business, trade, or associated professional areas. Such journals present the most practical information regarding the industry or a related topic, yet they are not peer-reviewed. These publications are commonly available in subscription-based databases. Among these are accounting trade journals.
  4. Popular magazines. Popular magazines inform and entertain readers without providing in-depth scientific analysis. They usually cover various topics, including hobbies, traveling, movies, etc. For example, you might be familiar with National Geographic and Time. An editor and an editorial board review these magazines before publication. They are available in supermarkets, newsagents, and even online.

Unfortunately, when it comes to accounting and things as such, you will need a separate website for shortening journal entries.

💡 How to Write a Summary of a Journal Article

Summarizing an entire journal means considering each article separately. You need to read, digest, understand, and shorten every piece in its entirety. With the help of our journal summarizer, it takes several minutes to achieve this. To reach the same results yourself, you will need to read this section or check our tips on analyzing research articles.

Summarizing a journal in 7 steps

To summarize a journal, follow the steps below.

  • Skim each article. When you read a new article from start to finish, do not focus on too many details. Mostly, look for the critical points and evidence. Notice the essential parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Since you need to summarize an entire journal, you don’t want to get too specific about just one or two articles. Instead, aim to dedicate the same amount of time and space to each piece in your summary.
  • Focus on one text at a time. Do not try to summarize the entire journal immediately. First, try to examine and shorten each text separately. Then, join all the summaries together. It will require additional time, but in the end, it will guarantee a deep understanding of the material presented in the journal.
  • Note the key findings. Among all articles in the journal, note the key thesis statements, central points, and findings. It can help you unify the idea and the summary together. Besides, it can help you plan how to approach the results later in your work.
  • Write down the keywords. You can also write down the keywords for each article or circle the ones you meet across the entire journal. These words and phrases can help you write a cohesive summary. Plus, they highlight the critical aspects of the journal.
  • Combine all summaries. In your final piece, you should elaborate on the entire journal. Thus, you have to find a way to combine all the summaries you’ve already written. Mention all authors, titles, and conclusions drawn from the research. Try to connect all the central ideas within the field presented in the journal.
  • Add your impression. In your summary, give your thoughts and analysis regarding the way articles connect. Only do so if your task allows that. The final text should flow naturally regardless of whether you’ve provided your impression or not. Remember that your reader needs to get information as precise and digested as possible.
  • Draft and edit. Write the summary’s first draft, explaining why the given articles are interesting and informative. Focus on the content and not the length. Make sure you write a text that is accurate and complete with the examples from the source material. When you edit the paper, concentrate on the content, grammar, and style. Avoid using statements that are too general or broad.

Thank you for reading the article! We hope our tips will help you summarize the journal in the most efficient manner.

🔍 References